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Jacqueline Mina at 75, The Scottish Gallery

Jacqueline Mina at 75 The Scottish Gallery is delighted to be representing the eminent jeweller Jacqueline Mina during the Edinburgh International Festival, as part of The Scottish Gallery’s anniversary celebrating 175 years of art. Jacqueline Mina has been an important senior figure amongst The Gallery’s representation of contemporary jewellers. Jacqueline had her first solo exhibition with The Gallery in 1993 - Jacqueline Mina - New Work in Platinum and Gold and The Gallery has continued to show her innovative work ever since. We are therefore delighted to be celebrating Jacqueline Mina’s continued development of her beautiful jewellery in her 75th

Scottish Gallery Celebrate Jacqueline Mina at 75

The Scottish Gallery, Scotland’s prestigious art and craft selling venue, will be celebrating esteemed artist goldsmith Jacqueline Mina’s 75th birthday this summer with a blockbusting exhibition from 3rd August – 2 September in Edinburgh. The gallery, which will show a collection of Mina’s most recently work, has timed the exhibition to coincide with the Scottish summer months and is highlighting the event as their Festival Exhibition 2017. Jacqueline Mina has had a longstanding relationship with the Scottish Gallery, having exhibited her first solo exhibition there in 1993. Jacqueline Mina is one of the most significant goldsmiths in the UK today.

Q&A: Jacqueline Mina (DES RCA) OBE

Jacqueline Mina is one of the most significant goldsmiths in the UK today. Known best for her precise technical ability at the bench, meticulous crafted construction processes and predisposition of surface pattern using precious metals and fusion inlay. Her pieces have an unmistakable aesthetic with thoughtful use of form, line and pattern always interrogating the interplay of the surface to create wearable timeless pieces. As well as a practicing goldsmith, Mina was a lecturer at the Royal College of Art from 1972 until 1994 and was an important influence on many practicing jewellers today. She has been recognised with solo

On the Surface - Jacqueline Ryan @ The Scottish Gallery

On the Surface - Jacqueline Ryan The Scottish Gallery 24 July - 24 August 2019 The Scottish Gallery presents  On the Surface  by  Jacqueline Ryan  which is her first major presentation with The Gallery since the seminal exhibition  Art Jewellery  by Jacqueline Ryan and Giovanni Corvaja twenty years ago.  Jacqueline has lived and worked in Italy since 1992 and has been based in Todi, in the Umbrian region of Italy since 2001. Her jewellery is an elegant fusion of English restraint combined with a sophisticated Italian language of structure, articulation and painterly colour. Jacqueline’s work is a homage to the

Meet Jacqueline Ryan @ The Scottish Gallery

On the Surface - Jacqueline Ryan The Scottish Gallery 24 July - 24 August 2019 Meet the Maker 11-12 noon, Saturday 27th July  Jacqueline Ryan’s spectacular On the Surface is now open. This is Jacqueline’s first major presentation with The Gallery since the seminal exhibition ‘Art Jewellery’ twenty years ago and it is ten years since Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museum acquired a similar enamel necklace to the one shown opposite for their permanent collection.  Jacqueline is in Edinburgh this week to celebrate her new body of work.  You can meet Jacqueline Ryan on Saturday 27th July 11-12noon and find

Galactica - Jacqueline Cullen @ The Scottish Gallery

Galactica - Jacqueline Cullen The Scottish Gallery 29 June - 20 July 2019 It’s a coincidence that this month marks the 50th anniversary of David Bowie’s Space Oddity and the Apollo 11 Moon landing - there is a also a space theme in the beautiful Galactica jewellery collection by Jacqueline Cullen.  Her Whitby jet and black diamond jewellery is exquisite; offset by her work in grey agate.  It really is out of this world! Jacqueline Cullen creates wearable, sculptural jewellery in 18ct gold featuring materials such as Whitby jet, black diamonds and agate. With diverse inspiration ranging from thunderous skies to

'On the Surface' Exhibition Brings Jacqueline Ryan back to the Scottish Gallery after Twenty Years

Ten years on Italian time has done Jacqueline Ryan a wealth of good. The ambling pace of the sleepy Umbrian region of Italy is evident in the painstaking details of her work.  Today, 'On the Surface', opens- an exhibition that see's Jacquine Ryan return to the Scottish Gallery after 20 years, since  the seminal exhibition  Art Jewellery  by Jacqueline Ryan and Giovanni Corvaja A great source of inspiration for the maker is her own childhood, she recalls fondly trips to museums with her parents, where she would marvel at ancient objects and intricate technical equipment. Born of sketches from memory, and

British Fashion Council Announce New Rock Vault Line-Up

The British Fashion Council (BFC) is pleased to announce the six Rock Vault jewellers who will display their latest collections during London Fashion Week September 2016. The jewellers will showcase their work in an installation in the Designer Showrooms at Brewer Street Car Park.   For 2016/17 new recipients Daou Jewellery and Frances Wadsworth Jones join existing Rock Vault designers COMPLETEDWORKS, Lily Kamper, Rachel Boston and Shimell and Madden. This year Ana de Costa, Beth Gilmour, Jacqueline Cullen, Ornella Iannuzzi, RUIFIER and Yunus and Eliza all graduate from the initiative. Previous Rock Vault recipients include: Alice Cicolini, Fernado Jorge, Hannah