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November Birthstones: Topaz & Citrine

Those born in November are lucky enough to have two beautiful birthstones to choose from: topaz and citrine. Often mistaken for one another throughout history, these two sunny stones are the perfect way to warm up as the winter weather chills set in strong! Whilst both November birthstones are known for their calming energies and believed to bring good fortune to its wearer, these two gems each have their own unique set of qualities and characteristics that make them the perfect affordably priced gemstone for many a jewellery collections. Topaz Throughout much of history, topaz was the term once given to

DRAKENBERG Introduces Birthstones

The Swedish jewellery brand DRAKENBERG creates timeless and minimalistic jewelleries inspired by the Nordic nature. This spring the designer duo wants to give the collection a new touch and are therefore presenting the new collection Birthstones. A collection of stones representing each month of the year. “We’ve been working on this collection for some time now and we feel so proud to finally launch it. It is exiting to try a new material and add some colour in a DRAKENBERG way, with a lot of thoughts behind it”, says Andrea Drakenberg Daléus, Creative Director at Drakenberg. Andrea Drakenberg and Ellen

Kaleidoscopic October Birthstones: Opal & Tourmaline

Happy Birthday to the October Librans & Scorpios! You lucky devils have been gifted with two beautiful birthstones to mark the month of Autumnal change and new beginnings. Both Opal and Tourmaline are as transient, adaptable and changeable like the month of October which makes them perfect to suit the plethora of different personalities and tastes out there. Legend has it that both gemstones have made their journeys's to this Earth through rainbows which is represented through the myriad of rainbow shades, colours combinations and reflections that each stone showcases. With Opal and Tourmaline, the dancing light and tonal patterns

Aquamarine: The Birthstone of March

Whilst traditionally there are two birthstones for those born in the month of March, it is Aquamarine that is most commonly hailed for its close embodiment to the ocean. Aquamarine's aquatic associations derive from its mesmerising crystalline blue hues which is only further reinforced through its Latin 'aqua marinus', translating to 'water of the sea'.  The story behind Aquamarine Aquamarine is a blue-stone variety within the Beryl family and  the colour variety seen in aquamarine  from light, transparent shades to deep and rich earthy tones of the emerald family  is caused by the presence of iron oxides within its chemical

Opal for those born in October

Thought to have originated from India and derived from the Sanskrit Upala, meaning "precious stone", Opal is just one of two beautiful birthstones that those lucky enough to be born in October are blessed with; the second being pink tourmaline. Opal was later thought to be a derivative of the Greek word 'opallios' translating "to see a change of colour" and with Opals' beautiful shifting rainbow hues - otherwise known as "play-of-colour", this Greek derivative captures the essence of Opal perfectly. Valued for millennia, Opal can be found in a number of different places with Australian fields among the most

Diamonds Are Forever: The Birthstone of April

It's true that diamonds are a girl's (and guys) best friend, especially as those fortunate enough to be born in April have one of the most treasured birthstones in the gem world: Diamonds. Diamond Overview Diamonds attain the reputation of being most of the most prized and rare gemstones due to their level of toughness. In fact, diamonds are 58 times harder than any other mineral on Earth and can only be cut by another diamond. Diamonds are made from only one element: a pure carbon lattice which can occur in several colours including pink, yellow, red, green and blue.

Precious Pearl for Those Born in June

What better way is there to celebrate the fact that we're exactly half way through the year than with a little organic charm for all those June babies out there?! Those born in June are lucky enough to have not just one but three birthstones associated with their birthday; pearls, alexandrite's and moonstones. Unlike most other gemstones that are found within the Earth, Pearls are unique in that they have an organic origin. Pearls are often either created inside the shells of living creatures such as clams and oysters or occur naturally in the mollusks of freshwater species in rivers

Garnet for Those January Birth Babies

With the start of a new year and a new month puts one of the most beautiful birthstones in the gemstone limelight. For those of you who are lucky enough to be born in the month of January, you are gifted with the kaleidoscopic birthstone of garnet.  Garnet is a term used to describe a group of closely related silicate minerals which together produce a painter's palette variety of colour. Even today, garnet remains to be the one mineral that displays the largest variety of colour, making it a popular choice across the jewellery industry. 'Garnet' comes from the Middle

Plunge Into The Fresh Watery Hue of Aquamarine

Whilst traditionally there are two precious birthstones associated with the blooming spring month of March it is Aquamarine that is more closely considered the stone of seasonal tranquility. Derived from the latin word translating to "water of the sea", the ancient myth and symbolic folklore surrounding its properties is pulled from its aquatic associations and crystal ocean-like hue. Mined mainly throughout Brazil, this precious stone is distinctive for its blue-green iridescent tones caused by the chemical makeup of the stone of iron oxides. Aquamarine is a blue-stone variety within the Beryl family and can be found within a range of