Search Results

Trustee Vacancy

Trustee, Heritage Crafts Association We are seeking a Trustee who has the strategic vision to enable us to grow as an organisation and to help us to deliver projects which meet our strategic aims, including greater recognition for heritage craftspeople and better access to craft education and training. We are particularly looking for Trustees skilled in any of the following areas and with an enthusiasm to bring these skills to bear for the benefit of the organisation: Human resources Charity law Public relations / media liaison Research (academic or commercial) Campaigning Practising craftspeople However we will also consider applications from

Yorkshire Artspace

Call for Applications: Trustee, Yorkshire Artspace We are now looking to recruit up to five additional Trustees to join the existing team of six, to fill gaps in skills and to better represent the diverse communities of Sheffield and Yorkshire. Diversity amongst our studio holders and audience is central to our cause; we believe that only with a diverse team will we enrich our knowledge base, decision-making and governance and therefore deliver this cause effectively. We are looking for Trustees with experience, knowledge and skills in the following areas – we understand that you may bring more than one of

Could you help shape the future of the Hand Engravers Association

Are you proud of Britain’s hand engraving heritage? Will you help a small organisation make a big difference?  At the AGM in June 2022 our current Chair, Tim Roberts, announced his intention to step down at the end of the year. Tim joined the Association as Honorary Treasurer, led us through the change into a CIO and also kindly took on the role of Chair in 2019. We are therefore looking to recruit for two voluntary positions on the trustee board: Chair and Hon Treasurer . Although previous experience of a similar role is desirable, both roles are supported by the

Secretary and Trustees, Heritage Crafts Association

Call for Applications: Secretary and Trustees, Heritage Crafts Association The Heritage Crafts Association (HCA) is the only UK-wide organisation set up to safeguard and promote the full breadth of traditional craft skills. We are looking for a Secretary and additional Trustees to join our passionate Board. The successful candidates will be: EITHER Professional craftspeople engaged with the issues affecting their craft and heritage crafts in general. AND/OR Those who support our remit and have professional experience specifically in: Public relations and media Membership schemes Digital marketing Organisational change Charity governance Previous experience of being a Trustee is not compulsory. Trustees

Professor Paul O’Prey CBE Appointed Chair Of Trustees For The Edward James Foundation

Professor Paul O’Prey CBE has been appointed Chair of the Board of Trustees for The Edward James Foundation which is responsible for West Dean College of Arts and Conservation.  The College is charting an ambitious trajectory of growth and is recognised for excellence in arts and conservation education.  At the end of December 2019 Professor O’Prey will replace the Hon Peter Benson LVO MA FCA who is stepping down after seventeen years as a Trustee, ten of them as Chairman.  For the last fifteen years Professor O’Prey has been Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Roehampton, London, stepping down

Meet the Benchpeg Team

This is us. We are the team that bring the Benchpeg website, newsletter and social media feeds to our lovely readers, subscribers and followers.   Rebecca van Rooijen MA CMktr FCIM FRSA Co-founder | Editor Co-founder | Editor Rebecca is the creator of Benchpeg, she has 20 years of experience in the industry (she started young!), her vision was to create a resource where the jewellery industry could share and access information. Along with being Editor-in-Cheif of Benchpeg, Rebecca is a Trustee of the Bishopsland Educational Trust , Committee Member for the  Communications and Marketing Committee at  The Goldsmiths’ Company ,

Rebecca van Rooijen

Meet the Co-Founder and Editor of Benchpeg.    Rebecca van Rooijen MA CMktr FCIM FRSA Co-founder | Editor Rebecca is the creator of Benchpeg, she has over 25 years of experience within the jewellery industry (she started young!), her vision was to create a resource where the jewellery trade could share and access resources in order to democratise information. In addition to editing Benchpeg and the weekly newsletter (which just celebrated its 800th issue) which she created 18 years ago, Rebecca is a Trustee of the Bishopsland Educational Trust and Chair of the Goldsmiths' Fair Advisory Board at The Goldsmiths'