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Appointments: Julie Driscoll announced Managing Director, Pure London

Pure London, the fashion buying trade show, has announced the appointment of Julie Driscoll as Managing Director with immediate effect. Previously the show’s Portfolio Director, Julie’s promotion to Managing Director will drive a host of exciting changes and new launches for the February show, taking place from the 11th – 13th February 2018. Julie Driscoll said of the appointment: “It is a very exciting time in the evolution of Pure London and I’m looking forward to working with our fantastic team, our partners, suppliers and exhibitors to continue to improve on  what we offer, making Pure London truly unmissable. Our AW18/19 manifesto sets

Appointment: Julie Driscoll announced Managing Director, Pure London

Pure London, the fashion buying trade show, has announced the appointment of Julie Driscoll as Managing Director with immediate effect. Previously the show’s Portfolio Director, Julie’s promotion to Managing Director will drive a host of exciting changes and new launches for the February show, taking place from the 11th – 13th February 2018. Julie Driscoll said of the appointment: “It is a very exciting time in the evolution of Pure London and I’m looking forward to working with our fantastic team, our partners, suppliers and exhibitors to continue to improve on  what we offer, making Pure London truly unmissable. Our AW18/19 manifesto sets

The Silversmith and Jewellery Charity Dinner 2018

The Silversmith and Jewellery Charity Dinner The Silversmith and Jewellers charity would like to invite all jewellery trade members to this prestigious event. 4 course dinner with wine. Guest speaker is comedian Ian Irving, one of the most popular and sought-after entertainers on the circuit! Last spaces are being filled now! Hurry up and grab your ticket. Date 30th Nov 2018 Venue The RAC Pall Mall, London Tickets £140 To Book Email or call Julie for tickets: 020 8265 9288

Scotland’s Top Open Studios Event Makers Revealed

Spring Fling has unveiled the diverse range of 93 artists, makers and designers selected for Scotland’s premier open studios event in 2017. Nearly a third will also show work in a curated craft focused exhibition that will offer a taste of the much-loved annual Scottish cultural event to Cirencester in the heart of England. The 15th annual Spring Fling takes place across Dumfries and Galloway from 27 to 29 May and will include 15 new participants as well as familiar exhibitors such as the Langholm-based landscape painter Julie Dumbarton and watercolour artist Hazel Campbell from near Castle Douglas. Visitors will

Cockpit Arts Open Studios 2017 - Deptford

Cockpit Arts Summer Open Studios  Meet 170 makers at two centres in central and south London. Visitors can see behind the scenes in the studios and buy work direct from Cockpit Arts’ master craftspeople and artist-makers, past and present. Jewellers, glass makers, weavers, ceramicists… and a host of other crafts Featured showcase curated by renowned leather designer Bill Amberg Delicious food by Hand Made Food café Crafts magazine pop-up stall Demonstrations and talks from makers including Dovile Bertulyte, Julie Kouamo, and Lucy McGrath Yorkshire born singer Eleanor Rastall will perform summer time jazz tunes during the Friday evenings of both

Sarah Millsop to join Create and Craft TV as Craft Ambassador

Create and Craft are proud to announce that jewellery expert Sarah Millsop has joined them to become a Craft Ambassador. Sarah joins other crafting experts including the ‘The Crafty Beggars’ Wendy Turner-Webster and Julie Peasgood, Mich Turner MBE,  Cassie Brown and Sarah Hurley. Sarah’s love and passion for jewellery making started 16 years ago as she took up jewellery demonstrating at her local craft store as weekend work whilst she studied at college. From there she began to teach Jewellery making courses at a local college and for the past 6 years has taken on the full time job of

MARZEE @ Collect London

MARZEE @ Collect London 26 February until 2 March 2025 MARZEE East Wing  E16 , Somerset House, London Join Gallerie Marzee at Collect London - the leading international art fair for contemporary craft and design - from 26 February until 2 March 2025. Galerie Marzee will show a selection of works by:  Iris Bodemer Jonathan Boyd Juliane Brandes  Antje Bräuer Katharina Dettar Ute Eitzenhöfer Veronika Fabian Ineke Heerkens Genevieve Howard David Huycke Margit Jäschke Junwon Jung  Rudolf Kocéa  Otto Künzli  Okinari Kurokawa  Anders Ljungberg  Stefano Marchetti Christine Matthias Märta Mattsson Julie Mollenhauer Chequita Nahar Carla Nuis Cóilín Ó Dubhghaill Annelies Planteijdt

Cockpit Arts Summer Open Studios 2017 - Holborn

Cockpit Arts Summer Open Studios 2017 Meet 170 makers at our two centres in central and south London. Visitors can see behind the scenes in the studios and buy work direct from Cockpit Arts’ master craftspeople and artist-makers, past and present. Jewellers, glass makers, weavers, ceramicists… and a host of other crafts Featured showcase curated by renowned leather designer Bill Amberg Delicious food by Hand Made Food café Crafts magazine pop-up stall Demonstrations and talks from makers including Dovile Bertulyte, Julie Kouamo, and Lucy McGrath Yorkshire born singer Eleanor Rastall will perform summer time jazz tunes during the Friday evenings

Cockpit Arts Summer Open Studios 2017 - Deptford

Cockpit Arts Summer Open Studios 2017 Meet 170 makers at our two centres in central and south London. Visitors can see behind the scenes in the studios and buy work direct from Cockpit Arts’ master craftspeople and artist-makers, past and present. Jewellers, glass makers, weavers, ceramicists… and a host of other crafts Featured showcase curated by renowned leather designer Bill Amberg Delicious food by Hand Made Food café Crafts magazine pop-up stall Demonstrations and talks from makers including Dovile Bertulyte, Julie Kouamo, and Lucy McGrath Yorkshire born singer Eleanor Rastall will perform summer time jazz tunes during the Friday evenings