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Contemporary British Silversmiths launch skill share films

The Contemporary British Silversmiths have launched a skills share initiative where members will be sharing some of the skills that have been passed onto them by other craftspeople throughout their career. The Contemporary British Silversmiths has a long history of community and skills sharing - peer to peer learning is one of the organisation’s founding principles. The first skill share is from Rauni Higson, and shows master silversmith Tony Bedford demonstrating how to solder a wire rim onto a flared vase. Tony agreed to answer any questions on the CBS Instagram page on the video post when it was launched [youtube CBS

New collaboration to preserve high end silversmithing skills

Endangered silversmith skills may have a brighter, stronger future after Contemporary British Silversmiths and the Goldsmiths’ Centre joined forces to create a programme to promote the sharing of more traditional skills that are fast fading in in modern day manufacturing.   First training collaboration for Goldsmith's Centre aimed at protecting silversmith The idea behind the collaboration is to preserve the more complex skills such as box making, raising, forging, chasing and hand engraving and according to Rauni Higson, who heads up the CBS Skills Training Programme subcommittee, the programme was 'developed by silversmiths for silversmiths.' “The CBS Skills Training Programme

Contemporary British Silversmiths at the London Design Festival 2019

Contemporary British Silversmiths at the London Design Festival 2019 TRANSFORMING TRAINING: A free day of live silversmithing demonstrations by Contemporary British Silversmiths at the V&A Sunday 15 September 2019 | 10am to 5pm​ Room 66, Silver Galleries, Victoria and Albert Museum​ Live Demonstrations by Tony Bedford, Rauni Higson and Charlotte Tollyfield​ ​A commitment to passing on craft techniques has been central to the mission of Contemporary British Silversmiths (CBS) for more than 20 years. Silversmiths learn their craft over a lifetime and CBS is helping support a new generation of designers to acquire the highest level of craft skills. Join