Find stuff like tools for sale, and workshop space in our classified listings...
Classifieds - Workshop Space Wanted
Classifieds feature second-hand tools and equipment, bench space to rent, services offered and even established jewellery businesses for sale...
Beware of scammers! Be sure that you are comfortable and safe with to whom you are communicating over email...
How to submit a listing
To submit a listing, please email with a title, description, cost, location, unlimited images and your full contact details.
A classified listing includes approximately one month on the website and one week highlighted in the newsletter (10,000 subscribers).
Full contact details are used for invoicing purposes only, only a name, phone number and/or email address will be used in the listing.
Insertion fees vary depending on the category of item/service offered, so we will reply to you with a fee which you will then confirm if you are happy to go ahead with.
We will invoice you in arrears after the listing has ended.
Items/services usually sell within the first couple of days. Please let us know once the item/service has been sold and we will remove the listing - so that you don't continue to receive enquiries.
Please take a look at our terms and conditions page before submitting a listing