Welcome To The Wonder Ears
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Word on the grapevine is the bigger, the better and when it comes to the adornments flaunting their sass and style for Autumn, the oversized disco hoops were rife with a mix match of metals, charm and detail.
As the summer begins to make its gentle wind down into the balmy evenings of Autumn, the fashion gurus are revving up their awaited fashion week reveals by breathing life and size into our newfangled ear adornments.
It looks as if the reign for statement earrings is not prepared to hang up its crown as the it accessory of Summer 2017 as this standout style continued to flaunt its charming allure on the Autumn catwalk rows.
Indulge in a world of show-stopping drama and megawatts showmanship by letting your ears do all the new season talking...
Sarah Salmon
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