Jewelry links: The power of jewelry as a social, political and creative connection
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I’ve been following the Turkish contemporary jewellery art scene for a few years now and I have always had the feeling that in the development of their art and design there was something singular and unique.
This is both in terms of stylistic evolution and research, and in the formation of a compact, intelligent and measured identity and a creative movement involving artists and designers either individually or collectively.
The exhibition JEWELRY LINKS, on view until 11 August at alja&friends gallery in Vienna, brings together 13 jewelry artists from Turkey with the aim of showing stylistically and technically idiosyncratic work by jewelry artists from different generations and different backgrounds. A selection of works designed from unconventional materials such as synthetic sponge, porcelain, wood, plastic, silicone and polyurethane, as well as from more typically precious materials.
The initiative is taking shape as a traveling exhibition, self-managed by the same artists and designers that make up the contemporary Turkish scene, and it enhances the different and variegated personalities starting from the intimate, conceptual and existential expressions of Burcu Buyukunal, Selen Ozus, Nevin Arig and Gozde Erdogan, up to the decorative and naturalistic works of Nazan Pak, Ela Cindoruk, Aisegul Telli, Burcu Sulek, Hakan Aktug and Senay Akin, passing through the politically committed provocations of Gulnur Ozdaglar, Snem Yildirim and Leyla Taranto.
Thus the jewel connects, links, unites. It is understood both as action and expression.
It becomes a lever and an economic, social and cultural thrust, an open, collective and individual creative territory that acts as a bridge with the world and tells of the beauty of a lively, vivacious and dynamic culture.
A culture perhaps almost predominantly feminine, which makes a space for itself in a country that is undergoing a complex historical period, and for this reason, even more intense and significant.
Perhaps it is a little like the spirit of sharing, unity and relationships that can truly be found in the concept of alja&friends.
JEWELRY LINKS will be open until 11 August at alja&friends gallery in Vienna.
Do not miss it!
Artist List
Aisegul Telli, Burcu Buyukunal, Burcu Sulek, Ela Cindoruk, Gozde Erdogan, Gulnur Ozdaglar, Hakan Aktug, Leyla Taranto, Nazan Pak, Nevin Arig, Selen Ozus, Senay Akin, Snem Yildirim.
About ALJA&Freinds
Founded in 2015 by the three jewelry artists and goldsmiths Alja Neuner, Elisabeth Habig and Angelina Kafka, the jewelry studio of alja&friends is a magical place in the heart of Vienna. They are united by their attention to detail and love for traditional craftsmanship, which they like to use in new and unexpected ways to create extraordinary works of art.
Kärntner Straße 8/Kärntner-Durchgang 5 1010 Wien
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:30 Sat 10:00am - 5:00pm
Tel: 01 907 66 43
Image Credits
Aisegul Telli - Zoa Flora, 2018, Brooch. Brass, Iron , Silver , Steel, Paint
Ela Cindoruk - Yaz, 2015, Brooches - Dried Orchids,Electroformed Copper and Silver,Paint
Gulnur Ozdaglar Alien Flowers,2017, Brooch - PET bottle, Fishing Line, Silicone,Steel
Leyla Taranto - Remains, Brooch. Wood, Silver, Paint. Photo credit Bülent Özber
Nazan Pak - Chain Brooch, 2018, Enamel on Silver
Senay Akin - In There, 2017, Ring. Silver, 18K Gold, Sand, Pigments
Snem Yildirim - Surrounded, 2018, Necklace. Powder Coated Brass, Recycled Plastic
About the Contributing Writer
Ilaria Ruggiero is a cultural manager and curator working in the field of contemporary art. She is the founder of Adornment - Curating Contemporary Art Jewelry, a curatorial integrated project dedicated to contemporary art jewelry. It aims to develop the knowledge and consciousness of contemporary jewelry as artistic discipline and as ground search for technique, aesthetics, and philosophy.