Drop It Down Low & Swing Into Spring

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The impending dreary days of January blues is like the meddling evil step-sister intent on making your life a colourless two-tone existence. A new year marks an exciting period for the world of Jewellery as designers set their sights on the anticipated sunshine showers of limitless summer fun and get to work of capturing such mischief in their spring/summer capsule collections!

So with 2016 being a year of inexplicable outcomes, shocking disasters and a general rocky year many willed to end, here at Benchpeg we've decided to gather up our 90s throwback chokers that bombarded our 2016 wardrobes and tie a knot on last years' dwellings. Whilst the trend of necklaces getting up close and personal in glitzy grunge statement remains wraps back around, we're personally feeling a touch of choker-fatigue and gallantly welcome the fresh wave of adornment trends to storm onto the 2017 scene.

Making an impression is always a haute-to-trot topic that we all secretly hanker for but it doesn't always require you to be the sassy fox prowling the office in next-season gucci or the office chatterbox who can make the entire room howl with laughter. Making a lasting statement is often a lot more simple than we think and stripping it back to minimalistic chic by opting for a long opulent pendant necklace can mark your presence in style and awe.

Layer on a navel-grazing pendant accessory and prepare to pack a punch in understated glamour and dramatic shine. From opulent bejewelled statement droppers, swooping lanyards studded with whimsical charms of talisman folklore and innovative quirks, these deep V necklaces are guaranteed to swing you into 2017 frivolous fun!

As the new year swings into chilly action, prepare to swing into spring with a fresh jewellery box full of colourful inspiration and fresh trend envy...let your inner magpie out of the cage and make a bodacious entrance with springs' fling of droppin' it low!


Sarah Salmon


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