Dendritic Beauty: Still Life In A Stone

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As autumn steps up a gear, nature explodes into a fiery mass of natural beauty with not only a sea of leaves amongst our feet but leaves falling into the trends cupboards of the design industry. Welcome to the world of dendritic stone.

Within gemmology, agate is an umbrella term for a variety of banded Chalcedony; a mineral belonging to the Quartz family. Whilst not strictly classified as an agate as it is not banded, dendritic agate, also known as tree agate is itself a quartz, displaying a opaque and milky finish. Comparatively, dendritic quartz displays more of a shimmery crystalline quality. Due to the transparent and iridescent finish of this quartz variety, dendritic quartz is more commonly used and crafted within fine jewellery design.

What makes dendritic stones stand out as unique and inspiring is the illusion they give as fossilised plant matter. The seemingly intricate and almost calligraphy-like patterns found within the surface of these stones are in fact a natural mineral phenomenon caused by tree or fern-like inclusions of dendrites such as metallic oxides manganese and iron. 

Deriving from the greek word "dendron" meaning tree, it's no wonder that the design of these stones are mistaken as inclusions that mimic the trees and leaves of nature. This element itself lends an ethereal and dream-like quality to dendritic stones as well as displaying a soft and poetic story when sculpted into fine jewellery. 

Historically, Dendrite agate is referred to as the stone of plenitude. Linked to Ancient Greek woodland and tree spirits, this stone was often buried in fields in the hope of bringing a bountiful harvest to farmers. This is why the stone is symbolically thought to encourage enjoyment and promote abundance to ones' life.

Metaphysically, dendrite agate vibrates at a lower frequency to most other stones but is thought to promote a greater sense of stability and strength to the wearer and their environment. With a strong connection to the plant and animal kingdoms, dendritic stones act as an amulet of peace and protection by deepening our connection to the Earth.

Usually found as a colourless stone tinged with silver and grey tones and frilly 'sea-kelp' inclusions, the finest variety of dendritic stones are most commonly found within India, Montana as well as Brazil. An extremely underrated and fairly unknown mineral specimen, dendrite agate and quartz is finding its name in the fashion spotlight as lapidary and artisanal designers begin experimenting with such stones within their industry designs.  

Don't just walk amongst the beauty of nature, wear it too with our roundup of the most captivating dendrite jewellery floating into the trends hot-list this Autumn...


Rebecca van Rooijen


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