Q&A: Gary Williams
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Gary Williams is a Director at Presman Bullion Ltd, a company based in Hatton Garden which is one of the largest reclaimers, processors and recyclers of precious metal jewellery scrap, sweeps and residue services to the UK’s jewellery trade. He also sits on the Board of parent company, Mastermelt Ltd.
Gary's career in the jewellery industry spans some 40 years, having started out working as a representative for a jewellery wholesaler, then for award-winning manufacturer Brown & Newirth Ltd, leaving as their Sales & Marketing Director. Gary was also a Director with Amore Cranleigh Ltd, a Surrey based retailer specialising in bespoke jewellery.
He was formerly the Chairman of The British Jewellers' Association, and past Deputy Chairman of The National Association of Jewellers. Gary is also currently the Chairman of the Hatton Garden Business Improvement District (BID), a £2.5 million investment plan to champion Hatton Garden businesses. He answers the Benchpeg Q&A.
What’s your name, and what do you for a living?
GW: Gary Williams and after spending most of my working life as a major bridal jewellery manufacturer, these days I reclaim and recycle precious metals.
How did you come to work in the jewellery industry?
GW: My brother-in-law was a Diamond Setter and he arranged a job interview with a jewellery wholesaler for me. That was 44 years ago and in that time I have been involved in just about every aspect of the trade and have loved every minute.
How would you describe your work to someone who doesn’t know it?
GW: I give jewellers money for stuff they throw away because I can reclaim precious metal from their manufacturing waste, lemel and scrap.
What is your creative process?
GW: I have always tried to put myself in my customers’ shoes and then work out how I can add value to their businesses,
Where do you love to shop?
GW: I love a market or a boot sale.
What is your inspiration?
GW: I am inspired by the talented, knowledgeable and creative people, I meet in this industry,
What piece of jewellery do you most treasure?
GW: I have a pair of unusual white gold and lapis cufflinks, which I love.
If you could only be remembered for one thing in your working life, what would it be?
The unification vote of the British Jewellers Association (BJA) and National Association of Goldsmiths (NAG) in 2015.
GW: Driving the unification of the NAG and BJA to form a single forward thinking trade association, which will start to promote the best of our industry, to the end consumer.
What would be your advice to someone starting out in the industry?
GW: Talk to everyone, because they all know things you don’t, and you never know where a conversation might lead in the future.
The Benchpeg Proust Q&A
What’s your favourite work of art?
GW: The Thinker by Rodin
Who from past or present would you invite to a dinner party for the evening?
GW: I would love to have a conversation with Abraham Lincoln.
Do you have any pets, if yes, what is their name?
GW: I am between pets at the moment but we do have 3 grand kittens. Two ginger siblings called Phillis and Ralph and a Siberian called Daryl.
What is your most treasured possession?
GW: The DC comic Vol 1 #1 of the Justice League of America from 1960.
What would you consider a perfect day?
GW: Knowing that I have made a difference and a little sunshine wouldn’t go amiss.
Is there a favourite journey, trip or voyage you hold dear?
GW: No. -
What is your greatest achievement?
GW: I hope that is still to come. -
What advice would tell your younger self?
GW: Value your time more.
Can you sum yourself up in one word?
GW: Exhausted. -
What motto do you live by?
GW: If you worry, you are going to die and if you don’t worry, you are going to die... so why worry, it doesn’t change anything?
Gary Williams can be found at:
Image credits: Images sourced from Gary Williams, Pinterest and the NAJ Unification Committee photo was taken by Paul Martyniuk, Anarchy Photography.