European Prize for Applied Arts’ Catalogue

European Prize for Applied Arts’ Catalogue


Literary Call for Participation




20th October 2018 until 20th January 2019


European Prize for Applied Arts’ Catalogue


Literary Call for Participation For the European Prize for Applied Arts’ Catalogue - European Prize for Applied Arts

This reward targets the best creations with contemporary expressions in the Applied Arts’ field at the European level.

This contest, at a rate of the triennial, is subject to exhibitions organized by the WCC•BF since 2009 in the Grand Halle, on Anciens Abattoirs site, Mons, Belgium.

Exhibition’s participants, the Art Master Prize awarded by the WCC•BF winner and the Young Talent Prize awarded by the WCC•BF winner, are chosen by a jury composed of international experts on the basis of criteria of artistic merit, technical ability and innovation.

Exhibition Catalogue

In each triennial, a bilingual catalogue (French/English) of 200 pages is published. This one lists the artists who expose on the basis of the work photographs presented in the exhibition.

Call for Participation

In order to enrich the content of this exhibition catalogue, the WCC•BF launches a literary call for participation based on the theme of the 2018 European Prize for Applied Art: Monumentality – Fragility.

Theme: Monumentality – Fragility

The authors are invited to focus on the paradoxical nature of these two words which were submitted to the artists at the time of the exhibition participation call.

Monumentality: monumental character being the result of the dimension but also the proportions and style; masterful, powerful, impressive, solemn, important, sublime…

Fragility: delicate character, short-lived, unstable, precious, precarious, vulnerable, frail, tender, weak, thin, refined…

Why This Theme?

The European Prize for Applied Arts will coincide with an exhibition devoted to Niki de Saint-Phalle at the Art Museum of Mons. Her work can be described as both monumental and fragile. The strong colour palette, exuberant proportions, the power and the violence allude to a monumental character from which a palpable fragility is released. De Saint-Phalle’s work is reflective of the challenges that she faced in her private life and provided insight and commentary on societal tensions of the time.

With the European triennial, these two words make sense since it’s about considering the monumentality of this institution and the fragility of the nations and entities which are parts of it.


  • Critical texts on the theme
  • Interviews with artists who participate at the exhibition (see below)
  • Interviews with professionals in the Applied Arts field at the European level
  • Interviews with theme’s specialists at the European level

To Apply & Further Information :

Further details and terms and conditions