The Goldsmiths' Company Pledges £10 Million to The Museum Project


The Goldsmiths’ Company becomes a Founding Partner of The Museum of London

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The Museum of London and the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths (one of the major City Livery Companies) today announced that the Goldsmiths' Company is to become a Founding Partner of the new Museum of London, due to open in West Smithfield in 2022.

The Goldsmiths' Company and its affiliated Charity have pledged £10 million to the Museum project.  This landmark donation goes towards the Museum’s plans to create a spectacular new home for the history of London and its people in the beautiful but disused market buildings at West Smithfield.

This follows the news earlier this year that the City of London Corporation and Mayor of London have together pledged £180 million. Counting the donation from the Goldsmiths’ Company and its affiliated Charity, the Museum has £60 million left to raise.

A gallery bearing the Goldsmiths’ name will be at the heart of the new Museum, showcasing the Cheapside Hoard together with highlights from the Company’s world-renowned Collection of historic and contemporary silver.

Judith Cobham-Lowe, Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company, said:

"We are thrilled to be playing our part in the new Museum of London as a Founding Partner. The Cheapside Hoard will be on permanent display alongside some of the best examples of the goldsmiths’ craft spanning over 450 years." 

Museum of London Director, Sharon Ament, said:

“Historically London was the centre of the global goldsmithing trade. Today the world still looks to London, as a capital of creativity and design, for the latest jewellery and silver trends. It is a great pleasure to be working in partnership with such an august, innovative and long-standing institution as the Goldsmiths’ Company. Together we make a perfect partnership that couples ambition for the future with the long-view into the past, important qualities that will create an astounding experience for our visitors to the new Museum.” 

Supporting the important work of the new Museum is part of the Goldsmiths' Company’s programme of philanthropic activity in the decade running up to its 700th anniversary celebrations in 2027.

Image © Museum of London. Collection: The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths.


Sarah Salmon


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