Pussy pendant makes waves for young designer


'Pussy pendant' makes waves for young designer Lukas Grewenig

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Tip for all young designers. If you want massive mainstream media attention, design a piece that resembles a part of the women's anatomy and get a high profile jeweller to promote it on Facebook and Twitter.

Lukas Grewenig, a London based designer who studied at the Royal College of Art came up with his pendant design as part of the Gilded Youth Project run for talented youths by high end jeweller Theo Fennel and Central St Martins.

It is made of silver and gold with a purple gem set in the middle, and is designed to portray the way a goldsmith studies a stone, by placing it between their index and middle finger.

But the separation of the fingers has caused a bit of a stir. When Theo Fennell posted the image on his Facebook page,  people did not see goldsmiths fingers. They saw something completely different. 

Womans flower. Vagina. Vayjayjay. Pussy pendant. Silver vulva and a bright purple clitoris. All descriptions and comments that appeared alongside the image in a bizarre twist that some suggest was intended to generate sales. 

What can you see?

"This is a vag?" said amber_alissa1989.
Monica Farlow @monica_farlow It definitely looks like a vulva, vajayjay, a woman’s flower... When I read what it’s supposed to actually be, I had to magnify the picture to see the supposed fingers and I still just see a wrinkled vulva and beautiful gem... Sorry @Theo_Fennell
Stephen M Goldsmith @goldpolisher People are seeing something very rude in this innocent @Theo_Fennell pendant… can YOU spot it? 
Rebecca Lynn @RebeccaLynn7355 SOMEONE COMPLETELY MISSED THE MARK WITH THIS ONE @Theo_Fennell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 funniest shit I’ve seen all day #vagina #wtfwereyouthinking
PBF2.0 Well to be fair it is designed to look like one of the most valuable things on the face of the planet. 😋
Ellie Key @EllieKey A promotional success maybe - they’ve made some news, people are taking about them...but in the right way? In the way that they should be positioning themselves? Perhaps not so much. And is it going to generate sales? 🤔
Jessica Eaton @Jessicae13Eaton @Theo_Fennell, Lukas is having you on mate. You’ve been had. This is vulva with a precious stone for the clitoris. 


The Gilded Youth Project was launched to sponsor prizes and awards for students from RCA, Central St Martins and the Goldsmiths Center among others.


Kate Laven


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