Ortwin Thyssen Unviels Competition Winner 2016


Ortwin Thyssen Unviels Competition Winner 2016

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To celebrate his shop’s 10-year anniversary, King’s Mile jeweller, Ortwin Thyssen set his makers a challenge; to design and craft a piece of jewellery of their own inspiration using traditional artisan methods.

The pieces were displayed during September and the public were invited to vote, alongside industry professionals, on their favourite piece.

“What you see here is the result of a challenge that every artist faces, the challenge to make ‘what you feel is right’” explained Ortwin during his presentation speech at the competition awards evening, held in the intimate surroundings of the Lilford Gallery in Canterbury.

After achieving the most public votes and the votes of the industry professionals, the Gold Medal was awarded to Julia Schreckenbach for her beautiful Mokume Gane and brown natural diamond necklace; a piece inspired by autumn leaves.

“Seeing the pieces of jewellery here together makes me very proud of the talented people, united in our workshop. Each piece has its own personality reflecting the personality of the maker - all different, but also all united in the philosophy of the work of the Thyssen workshops.” added Ortwin.

The judges agreed and awarded commendations and Silver Medals to all the other competition pieces.

All of the makers at Thyssen would like to thank everyone who came in to the shop and voted and everyone who participated online. They would also like to thank the professional judges and the Lilford Gallery for hosting a memorable celebration of traditional artisan jewellery.



Sarah Salmon


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