Ortak Ltd awarded RJC certification


Ortak Ltd Achieves Responsible Jewellery Council Certification

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Orkney jewellery manufacturer Ortak Ltd has been awarded special Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) certification after a rigorous assessment process examining every aspect of the Kirkwall based business.

Ortak Ltd, formed in 2014, is now the only Scottish jewellery manufacturer holding RJC certification.

Founded in 2005, the RJC is regarded as the world’s leading standard-setting organisation for the jewellery and watch industry, with a code of practice covering human rights, labour rights, health and safety, product integrity and many other key topics.

The RJC certification programme, which involves an extensive on-site audit for companies seeking to gain membership, ensures responsible business practices throughout the jewellery supply chain, from mining to retail.

In addition to creating its own collections, Ortak Ltd manufactures jewellery and parts for over 30 different companies. It also supplies Historic Environment Scotland and the Royal Palaces with bespoke jewellery for visitor centre shops.

The firm currently employs 45 people at its design and manufacturing base in Kirkwall, and shop in the town centre.

Mike Gardens, managing director of Ortak Ltd, said the company had decided to seek RJC certification around two years ago as it made good business sense, while also aligning with Orkney’s sustainability ethos.

“The RJC certification was something we were keen to pursue as we’ve always striven to work sustainably and ethically, particularly as a business representing Orkney where those values help underpin the global reputation of the islands,” said Mr Gardens.

“The RJC audit looked at every aspect of how we do business, making sure our gold is from Fair Trade suppliers, our silver 100 per cent recycled and our gemstones conflict free, in addition to checks on our in-house approach to sustainability and recycling. Staff welfare, training and working conditions were also thoroughly examined, with everyone employed by the company interviewed by the RJC audit team.”

Having achieved certification, Ortak Ltd will be subject to regular audits by the RJC, which also involve checks on suppliers used by the company.

“As part of our ongoing commitment to the certification programme, we have to make sure other business we deal with are working to the same high standards,” said Mr Gardens. “That way our end customers can have full confidence that the products we supply are created ethically and sustainably, all the way from the sourcing of raw materials to final finish.”

He added: “Gaining RJC certification has been a huge team effort by everyone at Ortak Ltd and, as the only Scottish jewellery manufacturer with this status, it’s a great boost for all of us within the company and for Orkney’s reputation as a community committed to sustainable working.”


Rebecca van Rooijen


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