Nel Linssen
1935 - 2016
Nel Linssen 1935 - 2016
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Renowned Dutch paper jewellery artist, designer and maker Nel Linssen has died on 1 August 2016 aged 80. We write an obituary.
The meticulous and mathematically minded Linssen lived in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and was renowned for a jewellery career which was dedicated to working in and experimenting with paper as a material.
Nel was educated at the Academy of Arts in Arnhem, when she embarked after graduation on work with mosaics, tapestries and stained glass windows. However in the 1980s she started to experiment with folded washable paper making forms of jewellery in the shape of bracelets, necklaces and decorative objects. The nature of the experimentation exploited paper’s ability to create mathematical structure with a series of technical solutions within the guise of simplicity.

Images: Nel Linssen
In a career spanning 30 years Linssen endeavoured to create logical constructions inspired by the forms found in the botanical world, which were refined and finessed to perfection.
In 2015 the jeweller’s oeuvre was given a solo exhibition at the Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh which coincided with the artist’s 80th birthday.
Linssen’s design legacy can be found in many international permanent museum collections.
To view the solo exhibition at the Scottish Gallery:
Nel Linssen from Scottish Gallery on Vimeo.