Are you ready for Brexit?


NAJ create 'Bitesized Brexit Briefings' for industry

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The Nationl Association of Jewellers have creates a set of special webpages, a 'Bitesized Brexit Briefings' blog intended to share information, opinion and intelligence for the Jewellery Industry leading up to the UK leaving the EU, and afterwards as the Jewellery community acclimatises to post-Brexit Britain.

Along with other Association members of the British Allied Trades Federation, NAJ has commissioned specific guidance notes in case the UK crashes out of the EU with no deal, which remains unclear despite today’s positive noises from the Prime Minister meeting with EU Negotiators.

The guidance notes covering key topics such as Intellectual property, Customs, Hallmarking, Importing, Exporting and ATA Carnets are now available for members and supporters of the Jewellery Trade Association on its Bitesize Brexit Blog.

Contributor Stephen Welfare of Royds Withy King who provided guidance on Intellectual property said,

"’Britain is leaving the EU, with or without a deal’... so we are told. Despite the feverish negotiations now taking place a No Deal Brexit is a real possibility so I have been pleased to provide these Guidance Notes to the Jewellery industry.”

Did you know the Government have developed a check tool to give you a step by step rundown of everything you need to do before 31st October 2019, and afterwards?

Government Brexit check tool

The BATF has also produced a guide from information published by government to date.

Download BATF Brexit guide

The NAJ's 'expert guidance notes' also focus on the following issues:
Intellectual property
ATA Carnets
Importing and Exporting


For more information go to:


Rebecca van Rooijen


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