London Diamond Bourse Announces Workshop Membership

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The London Diamond Bourse (LDB) has announced the launch of a new membership category aimed particularly at workshops who find themselves in an untenable situation due to escalating rents in Hatton Garden. 

LDB Chief Operating Officer, Victoria McKay commented:  “We know that many mounters, setters and polishers in Hatton Garden are (or are under threat of) relocating away from the area. This is because they are being served notice or finding their rents being pushed to unaffordable highs. This pressure from the property market presents problems as it could lead to the London trade becoming fragmented.

LDB does not have the facilities to accommodate workshops but can allow use of LDB’s postal address and a secure facility to see customers, which we hope will provide local continuity for workshops forced to move.”

For more information please contact via email:
Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. 

Location: London Diamond Bourse, Hatton Garden, London EC1N


Sarah Salmon


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