Jessica's winning hydrangea depicts Hockley Mint's growth


Jessica's winning hydrangea depicts Hockley Mint's growth

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Jessica Mead, a designer at independent retailer Page Fine Jewellery in Cambridge, struck on the idea of a climbing hydrangea to depict Hockley Mint’s 25 years in business and swept to victory in their competition to mark the occasion

Her winning design was made up of 25 leaves in sterling silver with Fairtrade gold elements and 25 0.01ct diamonds symbolising prosperity and vigour, the hallmarks of the Birmingham-based jewellery manufacturer’s growth since it was established in 1992.

“The idea behind using a hydrangea is that there is no stopping its potential for growth,” said Jessica, who previously worked as a designer at award-winning retailer Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery.

“It can branch out in different directions and long different avenues but it will always continue to improve for as long as it is loved and nurtured – just like a successful business. So not only does this design celebrate Hockley Mint’s 25 anniversary, but it also highlights just how much they have grown.”

Jessica's Climbing Hydrangea design won Hockley Mint's 25th anniversary competition

Jessica  received her prize of a version of the design, plus prize money of £250 and a year’s free insurance cover courtesy of TH March, from Hockley Mint managing director Gary Wroe in a special ceremony at the recent ILJ 2017.

“We were really impressed with Jessica’s creative interpretation of our brief, which has been translated into a real statement piece of jewellery – just what we were looking for when we launched this competition. Jessica has been involved in the manufacturing of the piece throughout, and we are all delighted with the outcome,” commented Wroe.

Mead’s finished piece will be displayed in Hockley Mint’s refurbished boardroom to commemorate the business’ 25 anniversary.


Kate Laven


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