IPG 40th Anniversary Celebration
IPG Celebrtate 40th Anniversary
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Forty Years of Excellence: Celebrating the IPG
Antony Vanderpump, Chairman of The Silversmiths and Jewellers Charity with Janet Weller FIPG CIPG.
The Institute of Professional Goldsmiths (IPG) recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of dedication to preserving and promoting the highest standards in craftsmanship.
The membership organisation saw its biggest attendance yet, at a gathering last week in Hatton Garden.
Janet Weller FIPG CIPG, an award winning jeweller and goldsmith and Chair of The Institute of Professional Goldsmiths invited members and guests alike to an evening of celebration for the milestone event.
Founded to provide recognition to those trained at the bench, the IPG has become a vital network of skilled artisans - from engravers and enamellers to silversmiths
and diamond mounters - whose work graces galleries, Bond Street boutiques, and homes across the world.
Guests to the event included The Goldsmiths Centre in recognition of IPG Fellows making an essential contribution towards The Goldsmiths’ Centre’s training program. Janet announced that the IPG will become an official source of quality tutors across all disciplines at the Centre going forward.
The IPG also welcomed Daren Daniels from Jewel Ads, who has kindly agreed to build the IPG a new website, which is underway.
IPG supporters Tony from Euro findings and Leo from HS Walsh were also in attendance, and the Chair thanked them for their ongoing support. She also congratulated H S Walsh on their newly acquired Royal Warrant.
Janet also announced the IPG’s new partnership with The Silversmiths and Jewellers Charity and welcomed Antony Vanderpump its Chairman who spoke about the charity’s aims and activities. The charity, one close to the IPG’s heart, was recognised as a very important charity at the event, which helps current and retired members of the
Janet Weller with Daren Daniels and Alison Mardell .
trade in times of hardship. Chair Janet Waller added that the IPG very much looked forward to working with them.
The largest gathering to date, with 70 people in attendance, was a record turnout and the Chair took the opportunity to reflect upon the organisation’s roots, the journey they had taken and where it is as an organisation today.
In its first decade 1984-1993, there were only three Chairs. Michael Paige served for the first three years, and is sadly no longer with us. Alan Mudd, the wonderful enameller who also served for 3 years and is also no longer with us. Martin Billings the remaining Chair of that decade who served for four years was a highly accomplished silversmith, apprenticed through the Goldsmiths Company, and worked at L.W Burt Ltd under the tutorage of Roy Flewin who, as a superb craftsman, enabled him to succeed and master silversmithing skills. Martin followed Roy’s example with part time teaching at Sir John Cass. This enabling of future generations of craftspeople, young and mature, to make silver pieces to a high standard was so essential for the trade. Incidentally, Roy Flewin and Robin Kyte taught the Chair at the Cass and apparently were her favourite tutors because they were exceptional educators (and a good laugh, apparently).
Third IPG Chair Martin was the first Education and Training Manager at the British Jewellers Association, now the NAJ, and then Business Development Advisor at the Engineering and Marine Training Authority (EMTA). Martin continued to be involved with training and education until he retired. When the Chair caught up with him especially for the 40 anniversary she asked him about his trade:
“I’ve never forgotten the joys of silversmithing, with its history, a craft creating fresh ideas, people and artistic flair, craftspeople still eager to challenge convention and embrace new technology”.
As incoming Chair Janet had asked him with his wealth of knowledge and experience, if he has any words of wisdom for the IPG today.
“With honesty, discipline and patience everything is possible”, he replied.
The Chair added that Martin continued to be proud of the IPG, its achievements and success, wishing all its members a celebratory cheer for the 40th anniversary.
Janet added on a personal note that Martin was, completely by chance, a family friend of hers. He had married her father’s best friend’s daughter, and coincidentally she and he both had connections with Sir John Cass and the IPG, which is how she had managed to track him down.
The Chair reflected, as the organisation slipped gracefully into its 5th decade, how important human connections in life are. Mostly quite by chance, often fleeting, and occasionally, if we are really lucky, chance encounters forge life-long friendships.
The connections members make through the IPG are built on passion, knowledge, honesty and trust. Members share the same goal - to keep standards high, reward those who deserve to be recognised, and to make sure future generations are taught as well as previous generations were.
In summing up in her speech of the evening the Chair paid tribute to all the organisations previous Chairs and their respective executive committee members, who had worked so very hard to pass on The IPG baton with pride in their hearts, knowing that the core values of the IPG’s founding members are being upheld.
She acknowledged that as a voluntary membership organisation much work goes on behind the scenes, with members giving their time freely for the upkeep and advancement of the IPG and support of the membership. This was because IPG members “
care deeply, because they are passionate that the IPG continues to succeed for many decades to come, and that future generations of IPG Fellows, Associate Fellows and Members fly the flag of “Excellence as Standard”.
Membership of the IPG is a hallmark of excellence, offering access to resources, professional networks and opportunities to collaborate with some of the finest craftspeople in the industry. It welcomes new members, whether you’re an aspiring craftsperson, an established professional, or an admirer of the craft, all members of the trade are welcome.