Hazel Thorn discusses her award-winning technique
Hazel Thorn’s mixed-metal work garners “Best New Design” award at Goldsmiths’ Fair
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Hazel Thorn's delicate and intricate works bear resemblance to shards of colourful, patterned eggshells. Her work in mixed-metal silversmithing has taken an interesting turn this year, after placements on an internship scheme run by the Goldsmiths’ Centre. During the 16 week placement, interns undergo intensive one-to-one tuition with master silversmiths, in this case Adrian Hope, Rauni Higson and Mary Ann Simmons. Thorn has credited this opportunity for expanding her skill set and “opening up new design possibilities.”
This new work (pictured below article) comes from learning the technique of seam-raising, where a flat sheet is formed into a cylinder or cone and then raised from there to achieve the final rounded profile.
Thorn says “It is a very satisfying way of working with fused mixed-metals, as it allows a greater range of forms than can be achieved in this material with other types of raising.”
“Working with metal is endlessly fascinating to me, particularly its ability to disguise itself as a more fragile material, or resemble living things caught in a snapshot of movement, growth or decay.”
Between further plans for pieces in this collection, and also many more plans stemming from other skills learnt whilst on the placements, Hazel is very excited about the developments to come in her work over the next few years.
The bold patterns in her work are created by fusing together rods of silver and base metal, and then chemically patinating this composite sheet. The same process (ammonia vapour patination) is used on the entire piece and has a different effect on each type of metal present, so that the pattern highlights the structure of the sheet. Silver remains white, the base metal turns black, and the new alloy which was created during the fusing process produces the blue-green colour.
Hazel will be running a short course on mixed-metal fusing at West Dean from the 10th to 14th February, for more information and booking please follow this link.
To find out more about Hazel Thorn, please visit: https://hazelthorn.co.uk/