GCDC Awards to be live streamed with exhibition open afterwards
Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Council Awards Evening to be Live Streamed (again)
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The Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Council has announced that this year's exhibition of the 2025 award winning competition pieces will be on show at Goldsmiths’ Hall.
The exhibition of the award winning competition pieces will be held at Goldsmiths’ Hall from 4 – 7 March.
It is free to visit but necessary to register a time slot via the GC&DC Website to attend.
The exhibition will have GCDC Council Members on hand to curate a tour for visitors between 11am and 2pm each day, with consultants in attendance at other times.
Group bookings are possible.
This year's awards ceremony, or 'Jewellery Oscars', so called because of the time of year they are held in close proximity to Hollywood’s film industry gong awards, but also because these awards are the premier awards within the industry which are peer reviewed by working craftspeople, previous awards winners themselves.
The unique element about the awards, is that if the standard of entrants does not meet the stringent quality assurance, the award is not given - making sure that the quality and standard of a GCDC Award is maintained through history, creating a legacy of premium craftsmanship within the trade.
You can attend the Awards, even if you haven't got a ticket, by accessing it live from your own home (or wherever) as the event will be live streamed as usual from 5pm on Monday 4 March. In order to do so, you must pre-register here to watch the ceremony,