Designer Castro Smith Inspires New Career Catalyst Grant
Goldsmiths' Centre Launches New Grant for 'Ambitious Learning Experiences'
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Grants of up to £5,000 are being offered for 'ambitious learning experiences' as part of the Career Catalyst initiative, offered by the Goldsmiths' Centre, with support from the Goldsmiths' Company Charity and the Radcliffe Trust.
The idea was inspired by former Goldsmiths' Company Apprentice, award-winning jeweller and engraver Castro Smith, whose 2018 travels to Japan have informed and enhanced his recent work. In a similar vein, the Career Catalyst Grant is designed to encourage jewellers, silversmiths and others working in the allied industries to immerse themselves in an unfamiliar environment and develop an innovative approach to their practice. The grant could be used for skills training, experimenting with collaborators, or international travel, a la Castro Smith. Commenting on the new inititive, he said:
“I applied for a Career Development Grant to the Winston Churchill Trust so I could experience another way of making. The reason why I chose Japan was to try and find another place that was doing similar crafts, but had evolved in a different way of making things as well as a different aesthetic. My experience in Japan has influenced my work in a lot of ways.”

As well as helping individuals create new work shaped by these unique experiences, the grants will also aid innovative work that will enrich the goldsmithing idustry as a whole. Julia Skilton, Educational Partnership Officer for the Goldsmiths’ Centre explains:
“The Goldsmiths’ Centre’s Career Catalyst Grants are designed to offer craftspeople the chance to keep innovating and growing their skills and knowledge. Our judging panel are looking for makers who are aiming to implement a real step change in their practice and work in new, innovative ways.”
The Career Catalyst Grant is open to jewellers, silversmiths and those working in the allied trades. To be considered, candidates must have 5+ years experience. A prestigious judging panel, consisting of Goldsmiths’ Centre Trustees and industry experts, will review all applications, which must be submitted by Monday 23rd March 2020.
To find out more and to apply visit: