Diamond manufacturer Dimexon reduces its reliance on the national grid by 75%.


Dimexon Transitions To Solar Power At Coimbatore Factory

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Diamond manufacturer Dimexon has transitioned to solar power at its manufacturing site in
Coimbatore, southern India, reducing its reliance on the national grid by 75%. This will equate to an annual saving of ~1,400 tCO2e, which is equivalent of taking 333 cars off the road for a year.
The solar power project is part of Dimexon’s wider ESG commitments, which include its pledge to be carbon neutral by 2030. The Coimbatore site is responsible for 85% of the global company’s total carbon emissions. To further reduce its emissions at Coimbatore, Dimexon swapped out diesel vehicles for electric vehicles in 2023.

Dimexon has partnered with Shakthi Power to tap into an alternative renewable power grid.
Shakthi Power owns solar parks in India that provide energy for multiple businesses, allowing
them to reduce reliance on the majority-thermal-powered national grid.

Due to the partnership, there was no major disruption to the Coimbatore factory as solar panels
did not have to be installed on site. This collaborative strategy also allows Dimexon to access a
dual power source, with back up from the national grid to ensures production is not impacted by
any disruptions to the supply of solar power. The amount of solar energy available via Shakthi
Power will be reliant on the weather, as well as wider demand on its alternative renewable grid.

The move to solar power at Coimbatore has been 18 months in the making. The official switch
took place on May 1, 2024. In the first two months, Dimexon was able to reduce its reliance on
the national grid by an average of 75%. It hopes to increase this in the coming months to 85%.
The future goal is for the entire Dimexon business to be 100% powered by renewable energy by
2030. Dimexon’s office in Antwerp’s Diamond District has already made the switch to renewable

Dimexon Integrated Business Services CEO Vinay Kothari said:

“As part of our overall ESG journey, reducing our carbon emissions is a core focus area. When evaluating Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions – those for which we are directly responsible – we identified that our Coimbatore site was responsible for 85% of our emissions. Therefore, the switch to solar power will significantly reduce our overall carbon footprint.

“This is a major leap forward for Dimexon, and one that we will build on as we take more steps
to reduce our impact on the environment on our journey carbon neutrality by 2030. Our Antwerp
office switched to renewable energy in 2023, and we are now in negotiations to find a solution
for our Mumbai offices. We will then look to roll this out to our sites in Asia and the Middle East.”

In 2022, Dimexon started publicly reporting on its ESG journey. The latest report, released in
2023, was titled Impact Through Provenance, and can be downloaded here.

Dimexon is a member of the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, and of the Responsible
Jewellery Council.


Rebecca van Rooijen


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