British Allied Trades Federation braces for recession and post-Covid economy


British Allied Trades Federation (BATF) Board announce cuts to NAJ,Giftware Association and Head Office

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The British Allied Trades Federation (BATF) has announced that measures are set to be put in place to ensure the finacial security and longevity of the trade body in the wake of Covid-19 and the resulting econonomic impact for 2021 going forward.

A statement released by the NAJ from the British Allied Trades Federation (BATF) Board interim CEO reads:

"As I am sure all of you are aware, the recent Covid-19 crisis has had a massive impact on the economy of the UK. The government has invested billions of pounds in the Furlough scheme to help support companies and individuals through this unprecedented time and this has, in the short term, allowed many organisations to continue to maintain staffing at pre-Covid levels.

However, the underlying financial pressure on the economy, our member companies and the Federation has not gone away and as support is phased out we envisage that 2021 and beyond will be a very challenging time. 

To meet that challenge and to continue to offer the very best support for our Trade Association members and other stakeholders, the board has concluded that the Federation must look at better and more efficient ways of offering our vital member and support services. The need to reduce costs, utilise new technology and improve processes has never been more important. 

To this end we have embarked on a restructuring programme that will affect both the Federation centre and individual trade associations with a view to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of how our services are delivered, managed and measured.

This inevitably means that we must consider making a number of jobs redundant and changing and/or amalgamating job roles in the following areas:

  • Federation Centre
  • National Association of Jewellers
  • Giftware Association

At this stage it is not clear exactly how many job roles will be at risk, but we will endeavour to minimise this.

As soon as we are able, we will inform those employees who initially may be affected by the proposals and will consult with them.  We anticipate at this stage that redundancies would take place no earlier than August 2020.

I am very sorry to have to make this announcement and assure you we will proceed as swiftly, diligently and sensitively as we are able to.

Finally, I would like to make it clear that, while there is a pressing need for us to ensure that we remain financially viable and have a sustainable cost base, we see a positive future for the Federation and the Associations.

This exercise is not intended only to reduce costs and the services we provide, but to ensure that our great team are in the stable long-term financial position to be able to deliver excellent support to our trade members, both through maintaining our valued existing services and developing new ones. This can only be done by providing the staffing resource that our associations need."

Gary Wroe, NAJ Chairman, commented after the announcement

“Even before the Covid 19 pandemic struck the NAJ was struggling to balance its finances since the BJA/NAG merger. Covid 19 has clearly exacerbated and compounded this situation. It has not only affected the NAJ but our other Member Trade Associations too. The Federation Board then, in conjunction with the NAJ and its other Trade Associations, will now all work closely together to enable a restructure to be carried out to ensure that we are fit for purpose.”

Wroe added

“Discussions regarding this restructure have been taking place for a short while and we are delighted to say that our Management Team have been feeding into this process and will continue to do so as it progresses.”

David Doyle, NAJ President, said

“This at first view could clearly be bad news for some individuals, and could potentially affect the livelihoods of some Federation & Association Staff. All of us are deeply disappointed that these changes might have to happen in this way. However, those of us who are involved and understand the nuances of the relationship between Federation and its Trade Associations see the opportunity for a new Federation structure to be formed which will significantly enhance the capabilities of Federation, the Trade Associations, and the supply of Central services to all Members.” 

Doyle went on to say

“It is even more important that if some have to be reluctantly made redundant following consultation, and be adversely affected in this way, that we ensure that at the very least we create a structure that is fit for purpose going forward and optimises delivery of the essential services that our Members need.”


Rebecca van Rooijen


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