BIJOU BIJOU looks to fill gap in UK market


BIJOU BIJOU looks to fill gap in UK market

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Fashion jewellery brand BIJOU BIJOU has officially launched in the UK hoping to draw on its success in Greece, where it was established, to tap into the UK's £600m fashion and costume jewellery market.

Behind the brand is a team of highly-skilled industry heavyweights, who have worked for leading publications. Managing Director Nadia Gkartzonika has herself worked for the well-known fashion magazine Vogue.

Designer and own brand

The company stocks over 1,000 individual pieces of jewellery, from bracelets, rings and necklaces through to body chains and anklets and handcrafts its own-brand products using precious stones and exquisite materials. 

Furthermore, they stock a range of jewellery from leading designers such as Bill Skinner, ASHK Jewellery, Estella Bartlett and Caroline Najman.

Detail and craftsmanship at forefront

Every piece of jewellery is crafted with meticulous technique and an extraordinary attention to detail. This is evident in all of their ranges, which combine the use of gemstones and crystals such as Turquoise and Azure with brass, cords, bronze and silver to create elegant and eye-catching jewellery.

Nadia Gkartzonika, Managing Director said they had identified a gap in the UK and were confident BJOU BIJOU could fill it.

“We are very excited about our launch into the UK. We believe there is a clear gap in the fashion and costume jewellery market for handcrafted jewellery made with precious stones. Every single one of our products is unique and tells a story, all while remaining affordable.”

In addition to exquisite craftsmanship, BIJOU BIJOU offers a Style for You service, allowing customers to speak directly to the brand's experienced stylists who can offer styling tips and advice.


Kate Laven


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