An informal chat with Fei Liu


Benchpeg goes all chatty

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1 min {{readingTime}} mins

As part of lockdown, we thought we'd have a call with an old friend, Fei Liu.

The world is slightly different these days, and keeping in touch is all important.

We called Fei Liu, Creative Director and Founder of Fei Liu, for one of our regular catch ups, but this time we recorded it to share.

Fei and Benchpeg's Rebecca first met back in 1998, in fact, they were the first classmates to meet on the Jewellery and Silversmithing BA Hons course at Birmingham's School of Jewellery.

The best of friends, Fei was the bride's gentleman (as the Vicar called him) at Rebecca's wedding and Fei is a constant wealth of industry intelligence on global jewellery markets.

In this hour long (yes, sorry its so long) conversation, Benchpeg has a chat and learns about how jewellery businesses should use digital techniques to disrupt their business models.


Rebecca van Rooijen


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