Team UK Selection WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017
Jewellery Apprentices Compete to Represent UK
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Billed as the world’s toughest skills competition, WorldSkills Abu Dhabi, will see over 1000 apprentices and students, under the age of 23, come together to compete to be named the top apprentice in their skill. Three talented apprentices are aiming to represent the UK in Jewellery at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017.
The competition takes place from 14 to 19 October and over 70 countries will be taking part.
Participating in a four day selection competition from 29 March to 1 April at Trafford College, with the hope of winning the one coveted place in their skill in Team UK for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 are:
Hugo Johnson who works for RTFJ
Chloe Lightfoot who works for E Wolfe and Co
Alexander Wood who works for N Goves Ltd
All of the apprentices train at The Goldsmiths’ Centre, Steven Jinks is the Training Manager for Jewellery.
The apprentices were selected to compete for a place in Team UK after being invited to join the WorldSkills UK International Training and Development Programme having excelled in WorldSkills UK Competitions.
Dr Neil Bentley, Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK said,
“Representing your country on the world stage is no easy feat. It takes hard work, determination and the highest level of skill. They have all demonstrated all of these attributes and many more and I wish them the best of luck as they compete for a place in Team UK. Participation in the international WorldSkills Competition enables the UK to benchmark apprenticeship standards in this country with those around the world. It also provides us with a global platform to promote how skilled we are as a trading nation, helping the UK secure its future global competitiveness.”
Team UK for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 will be announced on 21 April.
[Image Credits: WorldSkills UK]