West Dean College Open Days 2017

West Dean College Open Day Programme
You are invited to come and explore the workshops and studios, take a tour with students, explore your study options and find out about funding at our next Open Day.
Friday 1 December 2017, 10am - 1pm
Programme School of Arts - Location Edward James Studios
10.00 Registration and Open Studios
10.30-11.00 Informal presentation in the Old Dairy Seminar Room :
- Welcome and Introduction - Francine Norris, Director of Education
- Outline Visual Arts Programmes - David Stent, Programme Leader, Visual Arts
- Outline MA Creative Writing and Publishing - Martine McDonagh
- Outline Part Time Visual Arts Programmes - Alison Baxter, Head of School of Arts
- Student talk about life at West Dean
11.00-12.00 Open Studios
12.00-12.45 Tour: Student Accommodation, Library, College Meeting point: Visual Arts Foyer
Open studios throughout the day
13.00 Close
Programme School of Conservation - Main House
10.00 Registration and Open Workshops
11.00-11.30 Informal presentation in the Old Library:
- Welcome and Introduction - Francine Norris, Director of Education
- Outline of the FdA in Historic Craft Practices & the Conservation Programmes - David Dorning,
Head of School of Conservation. - Student talk about life at West Dean.
11.30-12.00 Open workshops and current projects
12.15-12.45 Tour: Library, College, Student Accommodation Meeting point: Marble Hall
Open workshops throughout the day
13.00 Close
West Dean College
West Dean
Nr Chichester
West Sussex
PO18 0QZ
For more information