West Dean College Open Days 2017

West Dean College Open Day Programme


West Dean College West Dean Nr Chichester West Sussex PO18 0QZ



Open to the public


Ope Day

West Dean College Open Day Programme

You are invited to come and explore the workshops and studios, take a tour with students, explore your study options and find out about funding at our next Open Day.

Friday 1 December 2017, 10am - 1pm

Programme School of Arts - Location Edward James Studios

10.00 Registration and Open Studios

10.30-11.00 Informal presentation in the Old Dairy Seminar Room :

  • Welcome and Introduction - Francine Norris, Director of Education
  • Outline Visual Arts Programmes - David Stent, Programme Leader, Visual Arts
  • Outline MA Creative Writing and Publishing - Martine McDonagh
  • Outline Part Time Visual Arts Programmes - Alison Baxter, Head of School of Arts
  • Student talk about life at West Dean

11.00-12.00 Open Studios

12.00-12.45 Tour: Student Accommodation, Library, College Meeting point: Visual Arts Foyer
Open studios throughout the day

13.00 Close

Programme School of Conservation - Main House

10.00 Registration and Open Workshops

11.00-11.30 Informal presentation in the Old Library:

  • Welcome and Introduction - Francine Norris, Director of Education
  • Outline of the FdA in Historic Craft Practices & the Conservation Programmes - David Dorning,
    Head of School of Conservation.
  • Student talk about life at West Dean.

11.30-12.00 Open workshops and current projects

12.15-12.45 Tour: Library, College, Student Accommodation Meeting point: Marble Hall

Open workshops throughout the day

13.00 Close



West Dean College
West Dean
Nr Chichester
West Sussex
PO18 0QZ

For more information


promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg