2 Day Wax Carving Course with Cardinal of London


Craft Central, London. EC1M 4D



Students, Professionals


Short Course

2 Day Wax Carving Course
with Lukasz Pasikowski
from Cardinal of London

During the 2 days you will learn how wax carving is used in the production of jewellery and how it can be used in the development and making of a piece.This course is design for an intermediate learners with previous experience in jewellery making.

Level: This course is designed for an intermediate learners with previous experience in jewellery making.

Times: 10:30am-5.00pm

Price: £160

Date:  14th, 15th April 2017

Venue: Craft Central, 33-35 St. John’s Square, London. EC1M 4DS

Enquiries: info@cardinaloflondon.com


promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg