Wallace Chan Lecture 2020

Wallace Chan Lecture 2020
9 March 2020
SIERAAD Art Fair and well-known jewellery designer Wallace Chan have made a unique collaboration for TEFAF.
The highlight of the exhibition will be ‘Keeper of Time’, a necklace juxtaposing the artist’s most recent innovation, the Wallace Chan Porcelain, with his vintage carving creations from over 30 years ago. Gemstones, memories from different times, are revisited and given new life; they are indispensable links in the long chain of time that connects the past and the present.
SIERAAD are honoured to organize a lecture of Wallace Chan in partnership with Chequita Nahar, Dean of De Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design, were this very special lecture will be held on Monday March 9 2020 at 14.00 hrs.
The lecture in Maastricht @MAFAD is for a maximum of 110 people.
To be held on 9th March at 14.00 hrs.
Tickets are €17,50 per person; students €5,00 per person (mention your educational institution).
To Book
Bank no: NL31RABO 0328 5054 20 t.a.v EMB&B o.v.v. Lezing/lecture Wallace Chan
Mention: Full name, email address and how many tickets with a max of 4 tickets per order.
Purchase Deadline
Before 15 February 2020.
Any Queries / Questions
More information
Also Available
Stand tour tour of Wallace Chan @TEFAF
Maximum 20 participants
At 17.30.
€ 30,00 p.p. incl. tour and ticket to the TEFAF.
To Book
Bank no: NL31RABO 0328 5054 20 t.a.v EMB&B o.v.v. Lezing/lecture Wallace Chan
Mention: Full name, email address and how many tickets with a max of 4 tickets per order.
Online ticketportal TEFAF: tickets.tefaf.com
Special student tickets available.
Development of The Wallace Chan Porcelain took seven years, but one could say the process was several decades in the making. The Wallace Chan Porcelain is five times stronger than steel. Heavily rooted in culture and history, the material has rich color, intense lustre, strength, toughness and a contemporary spirit.
All innovations: wallace-chan.com
More on Chan:
A little more about Wallace Chan you can read: