Two Sides - One Story - Pin mechanisms & brooch back design

Donna Brennan Contemporary presents
Two Sides - One Story: Pin mechanisms & brooch back design
with Daniela Malev
International Jewellery Masterclasses
5 - 9 September 2018
Led by Brooch expert Daniela Malev, author of the definitive guide to brooch pin design, "To The Point - Pin Mechanisms and Brooch Back Design."
In this Masterclass, Daniela will lead you through an array of innovative pin solutions which form an integral part of the overall brooch design.
Daniela Malev is a jeweller and teacher. Trained as a goldsmith in her hometown Dresden, Germany, she also holds a Master Craftman ́s Certificate for Gold- and Silversmithing and studied Jewellery Design at Staatliche Zeichenakademie Hanau. She concluded her formal studies with a BA and MFA degree in Gemstone and Jewellery Design at the University of Applied Sciences Trier/Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
In the field of contemporary jewellery the brooch is the most common, and also much discussed, form of jewellery. One of the special challenges of making a good brooch is to find an adequate solution for the pin which connects the piece securely to the body yet, goes beyond being a merely functional and invisible device on the backside to becoming an essential part of the brooch in terms of content and aesthetics.
Daniela is convinced that mechanism and attachment of a brooch holds tremendous potential for the design of a brooch in its entirety and needs to be developed with equal importance.
This Masterclass will initiate and encourage a conscious approach to the design of the brooch back and its mechanisms. You will be introduced to a variety of brooch back mechanisms and learn how to realize them technically. Daniela will guide you through various exercises on different needle techniques and ways of thinking about what a needle can be and how it can be solved. You will learn and understand, that the brooch back mechanism should be thought of, and integrated, during the whole creative process of a brooch.
Entry Level
Suitable for jewellery students with competent Bench skills, jewellery graduates and professionals.
Taught in English. Supplemented with German & Spanish when required.
Maximum 8 People.
Materials and Tools
Brass & Copper sheet along with steel wire for the pins will be provided. Students to bring their own hand tools.
Please bring different materials and fragments or tryouts, which you would like to turn into a brooch and which could become a prototype for pieces you will do after the workshop. It would not be beneficial to bring any finished pieces which are “just missing the pin”.
5 - 9 September 2018
10am - 5pm including one hour for lunch, with lunch provided ( + lecture & dinner with drinks on one evening)
Donna Brennan Contemporary7 Iliffe Yard, Crampton Street, London, SE17 3QA
£590 students
£620 early bird bookings until Monday 28 July
For a Booking Form, Bank Transfer details and further course information, please email;