The Association for the Study of Jewelry & Related Arts Virtual Lecture: The Art of Gaman

The Association for the Study of Jewelry & Related Arts (ASJRA) has announced it will offer a virtual lecture on Thursday, March 2 at 7 p.m. ET (12am UK time) on The Art of Gaman.
The lecture will be given by Delphine Hirasuna, the curator of the exhibition The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps, 1942-1946 which was mounted at ten venues in the USA and five venues in Japan. She is also the author of the book of the same title.
The Art of Gaman showcased arts and crafts made by Japanese Americans held in U.S. internment camps during World War II. While in these bleak camps, the internees used scraps and found materials to make furniture and other objects to beautify their barren surroundings. Arts and crafts became essential for simple creature comforts and emotional survival. These objects— pen-
dants and brooches, tools, teapots, toys and games, musical instruments, purses and ornamental displays—are physical manifestations of the art of gaman, a Japanese word that means to bear the seemingly unbearable with dignity and patience.
A corporate writer by trade, Delphine also wrote a weekly feature column for the two largest Japanese American news-papers in the U.S. for more than 25 years. She is the author of more than a dozen books, including the top-selling cookbook, Flavors of Japan. She also was the co-creator and editor of the design magazine/blog, @Issue: Journal of Business and Design. In 2002, she was named a laureate of the San Francisco Public Library.
The lecture is free and open to the public. To reserve space for the lecture email
The lecture will be recorded and only those who are registered will receive the link for the recording after the lecture date. ASJRA will send the link automatically to anyone who is registered. The recording will only be available through that link for a limited time and will not be posted online.
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