The Allure of Silver: Past and Present - JASSO


The Allure of Silver: Past and Present - JASSO, The Jewellery and Silver Society of Oxford
JASSO, the Jewellery and Silver Society Oxford are hosting an exhibition of jewellery and silver at The Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock by society members. Items in the exhibition will be for sale.
JASSO is a not-for-profit organisation and all committee give their time for free. The exhibition aims to promote understanding of making, and to provide visitors with a basic understanding of the steps and processes behind the work of the jeweller and silversmith.
Dates: 22 October – 6 November 2016
Venue: The Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock OX20 1SN
Open: Tuesday – Saturday 10.00am -5.00pm, Sunday 2.00pm – 5.00pm (closed Mondays)
Cost: Free admission