SIERAAD a very special fair where artists from all over the world sell their jewellery directly and in person to shops, galleries and consumers SIERAAD Art Fair presents; unique, personally designed and crafted pieces of jewellery Here, the emphasis is on jewellery as pieces of art in which ideas are packaged in materials such as rubber, textile, photos, plastics, wood or ceramics, as well as silver and gold. Also on display will be traditional pieces of art produced by contemporary silver and goldsmiths. Artist-designers from all corners of the globe, including highly talented emerging designers from internationally acclaimed academies, will be exhibiting exciting work not found anywhere else.
To add lustre to this edition of SAF there will be some special events and striking presentations. The 17th edition of SIERAAD art Fair, 8-11 November 2018.
Exhibition times, 8-11 November 2018
Thursday november 8th:
14:00 – 21:00
Friday november 9th:
11:00 – 18:00
Saturday november 10th:
11:00 – 18:00
Sunday november 11th:
11:00 – 18:00
Gashouder WesterGasterrein
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD Amsterdam