Romanian Jewelry Week 2022

Romanian Jewelry Week
6th - 9th of October 2022
Romanian Jewelry Week is an international event organized by Assamblage National Jewelry Association, dedicated to the contemporary jewelry field in Romania and worldwide. The first edition of the event was organized between the 22-27th of September 2020 in 7 galleries, museums and showrooms in Bucharest. Over 150 contemporary jewelry designers presented their collections at ROJW 1.0: 1 designers, collectives, schools and associations of designers from UK, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Hungary, Canada, Israel, China, South Korea, USA, Brazil, Mexico and many more.
The second edition took place between the 30 sept - 3rd of October 2021 in 6 locations and gathered an impressive 191 contemporary jewelry designers from over 25 countries around the world that presented their collections at Romanian Jewelry Week 2.0, as well as six renowned group exhibitions, schools and international associations.
The next edition of Romanian Jewelry Week is set to take place between the 6th - 9th of October 2022.