Peter Dormer Lecture 2022- Mònica Gaspar - Like Oil and Water

Peter Dormer Lecture 2022 - Mònica Gaspar - Like Oil and Water
6:30 pm, October 3rd 2022
Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Dyson Building, Royal College of Art or Zoom
Tickets can be booked to attend in-person at the RCA Gorvy Lecture Theatre, the lecture will also be live streamed globally.
Tickets for in person and/or Zoom attendance can be booked via Eventbrite.
After a yearlong COVID enforced delay the RCA are delighted to announce that the annual Peter Dormer Lecture is back!
The RCA are further delighted to announce that acclaimed international curator, academic and author Mònica Gaspar will be delivering her lecture Like Oil and Water. Please find further details and book your tickets via the eventbrite link below.
This lecture will be a first for the new time slot earlier in the yearly calendar planned so that attendees can enjoy the tail end of summer weather and lighter brighter evenings to accompany your journey to the RCA in Battersea. Also be offered - a blended delivery to a global audience via zoom and tickets to this zoom event can also be accessed via the eventbrite link above.