10 - 13 May 2025
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, Via Spallanzani, 23, 52100 Arezzo, Italy
OROAREZZO is the reference event that integrates all Made in Italy industrial production into a system of excellence, serving the goldsmithing sector. From gold and silver manufacturing to jewelry production and innovative machinery: a complete offering that reflects all Italian know-how, creativity and innovation.
OROAREZZO is the event where ideas are given shape, thanks to a network of suppliers who can satisfy the needs of developing unique creations and private labels.
OROAREZZO is also a platform of interest for the fashion sector. The new Arezzo offer includes processes and technologies dedicated to fashion accessories, which, like jewelry, must respect precise aesthetic standards.
Every year it welcomes the best selection of international buyers from both the most strategic and mature markets for Made in Italy exports and from countries with potential yet to be fully exploited.
Thanks to constant analysis and research throughout the year and with the support of ICE and MAECI the operators most in target for the product offer of the exhibiting companies participate in the event. Accurate profiling therefore makes it possible to offer an effective and complete business experience.