11- 14 May 2024
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, Italy
The 43 edition of Oroarezzo opens on Saturday 11 at Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, the event, organised by Italian Exhibition Group (IEG), will be hosting and showcasing the very best of Made in Italy gold and jewellery production until Tuesday 14 May.
The inauguration is scheduled for 11.30 am. In the Auditorium, institutional greetings from Maurizio Renzo Ermeti, president of Italian Exhibition Group, Alessandro Ghinelli, mayor of Arezzo, Alessandro Polcrì, president of the Province, Massimo Guasconi, president of the Arezzo-Siena Chamber of Commerce, and Ferrer Vannetti, President of Arezzo Fiere e Congressi. This will be followed by the round table entitled “Oroarezzo at the centre of Italian manufacturing excellence in the world”, led by Nicola Saldutti, chief economics editor for Corriere della Sera, with guests Mauro Benvenuto , president of the Provincial Council of Arezzo Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, Matteo Masini, ITA – Italian Trade Agency Consumer Goods Office, Leonardo Marras, Tuscany Regional Councillor for Economics and Productive Activities, and the Hon. Tiziana Nisini, Vice-President of the 11 Commission for Public and Private Employment. Mons. Andrea Migliavacca, Bishop of Arezzo, Cortona and San Sepolcro, will bless the event.
From manufacturing to design, from technologies to sustainability with a new encounter between the jewellery and the fashion accessory industries, and training today and tomorrow's sector operators, Oroarezzo is the international reference platform for Made in Italy manufacturing, particularly unbranded or “white label” production. More than 370 exhibiting brands will be in attendance. Of these, 87% will be Italian and 13% foreign. For gold and jewellery, 52% of the Italian brands will come from Tuscany. Other regions represented will be Veneto, Lombardy and Piedmont. The number of high-profile foreign buyers hosted , thanks to the synergy between the Italian Trade Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and IEG's regional advisors, will be around 400 from 60 countries (55 in 2023). The ratio is more than one hosted buyer per company. The product range on offer at the show will include: gold and jewellery, semi-finished products and components, precious and semi-precious stones (65% of the offer). Technologies for the jewellery sector (17% of the offer). Cash & carry (13%), visual merchandising and packaging (5%).
IEG has boosted its range of events and conferences for the supply chain. Among the various topics: surface treatment technologies for jewellery and fashion accessories; the present and future of the retail trade for jewellery stores; fashion accessories; and lastly, Career Day, which demonstrates IEG's tangible commitment, together with the gold and silversmith Council, Fondazione ITS TAB (Tourism, Art and Cultural Assets), and the University of Siena, to put demand and educational supply in contact with each other. Oroarezzo will also act as a showcase for the creations competing in the 33 edition of Première , which is also open to students from goldsmithing schools with the “Talents” category.
In 2023, Arezzo confirmed its position as Italy’s number one district for gold, silver and jewellery exports. According to ISTAT data processed by Confindustria Federorafi’s Study Centre, in the period January-December last year, Arezzo's exports in the sector were worth 3.491 billion, up 9.4% compared to 2022. The district alone was worth 30.5% of nation’s total jewellery exports.
The main destination markets for Arezzo manufacturing were, by volume: Turkey with 760.8 mln (+109%), United Arab Emirates with 685 mln (-6%), United States with 471 mln (+17.8%), Hong Kong with 235.9 mln (+20%) and France with 228.5 mln (-0.7%).
The domestic scene sees a continuation of the sector’s positive trend. Turnover in 2023 grew by 10.2% to 11.97 billion euros. Exports also grew by double figures: +11.1%, amounting to 10.9 billion euros, of which 10.1 billion generated by wearable jewellery (+10.6%), with +12.1% for gold jewellery and silver jewellery remaining stable (+0.4%). Employment dynamics were also favourable with an increase of 936 employees (+2.9% year-on-year).