OROAREZZO now moved to 2021
Italian Exhibition Group has decided to schedule the show only in 2021
The difficulties caused by the health crisis are persisting for the international markets, with harsh restrictions enforced by some foreign countries of reference and, above all, the uncertainty of regular flight connections from the coming month of July. Under these conditions, there is no guarantee that foreign buyers will be able to travel to Italy and Tuscany and holding Oroarezzo 2020 in the best circumstances cannot be ensured. IEG - Italian Exhibition Group, in conjunction with the sector’s manufacturing and association representatives, has therefore decided to schedule the show only in 2021, since conditions are not yet ripe for offering customers the complete and high standard of international buyers that has always been guaranteed to a highly valuable market for the country.
However, in postponing the traditional edition of Oroarezzo to 2021, IEG – which, since the beginning of the crisis, has always maintained direct relations with the companies, associations and the Arezzo territory – intends, in any case, to offer opportunities and visibility for the very best of Made in Italy manufacturing and, at the same time, to support jewellery companies in the post lockdown phase.
For this reason, “Oroarezzo On Stage” has been created, a virtual window onto client companies’ creations, which will allow exhibitors to reinforce their on-line presence and provide visibility on the global markets. Companies will be assisted in compiling professional photographic shoots for a catalogue enhanced by photos, videos and news regarding the products.
The value for Italian districts and the Arezzo area will still be central, thanks to the Premiere competition which, under the leadership of Beppe Angiolini, Honorary President of the Chamber of Fashion Buyers and Art Director at Oroarezzo, will be presented in a digital edition brimming with content. In 2020, the initiative which, at Arezzo, traditionally celebrates Italian jewellery manufacturing ability, will become Premiere Digital Edition and will be dedicated to jewellery that symbolizes reprisal, exploiting the potentialities of on-line communication, social networks and the reverberation of the entire city by installing videos that will trace a route through the Arezzo streets.
On 9 June, Angiolini will launch the title of the 2020 competition during a direct transmission on Instagram.