Online Learning: Copyright For Creatives

Online Learning: Copyright For Creatives
How can you best protect and exploit the intellectual property you create? How can you lawfully reuse existing materials in the creation of new work? All creatives are faced with these questions, which are shaped by copyright law. However, the complexity of the legislation often prevents creators from fully exploiting the opportunities offered by the law.
This online session aims to make UK copyright law accessible and digestible for anyone working in the creative industries – whether in advertising, marketing, graphic design, film, music, or TV – with a view to helping them make informed decision on how to protect the work they create, how to license and exploit it, and how to lawfully reuse other people’s work.
This session would benefit creators, photographers, video game producers, social media managers, marketing and PR executives, or anyone who uses images to promote themselves, their business, or their charity.
1 hour, 15 minutes
Available dates:
- Thursday 9th April – 11:00-12:15
- Thursday 16th April – 11:00-12:15
- £40 – Learning on Screen Members
- £50 – Non-members
Book here
For More Information
About the presenter
Bartolomeo Meletti is the Copyright Services Delivery Manager at Learning on Screen. He also works as Creative Director of for CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (University of Glasgow). He is also the Director of Worth Knowing Productions, a digital creative team specialised in making complex knowledge accessible through research-based visual tools.
Previously, Bartolomeo worked at the British Film Institute and the Digital Catapult on secondment from CREATe, and held research and media production positions at CIPPM, the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (Bournemouth University), where he is currently a Visiting Fellow; and at CEMP, the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (Bournemouth University).