
Nexus at the Ruthin Craft Centre
‘Nexus’: a connection or a series of connections linking two or more things
This exhibition looks at some of the ways in which 21st -century artists and makers are changing preconceptions about their art forms.
Jewellery, silversmithing, textiles and ceramics all have long histories and deep-rooted traditions behind them. Today their familiar, often restricting, boundaries are being expanded by makers taking leaps of imagination and devising fresh approaches to the way they work. Several pieces in this exhibition are hybrids that are impossible to categorise.
The exhibitors in Nexus are linked by great technical skill, a capacity for free thinking and confidence in their ideas. However, each has found their own way of extending the boundaries of their art form.
Nexus celebrates the unexpected. None of the work in this exhibition may be quite what it seems…
Curated by Dr Elizabeth Goring.
NEXUS in partnership with Fife Contemporary.
Exhibition Run
29 September – 18 November 2018
Ruthin Craft Centre
The Centre For The Applied Arts
Park Road, Ruthin
LL15 1BB
For More Information