Manon van Kouswijk - Sources & Resources at K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery, London

Manon van Kouswijk - Sources & Resources at K Academy of Contemporary Jewellery, London
17 - 20 July 2019
A 4 Day Masterclass led by Manon van Kouswijk at K Academy Of Contemporary Jewellery, London
Masterclass - Sources & Resources
The project of contemporary jewellery started out as an idealistic one that aimed to change our thinking about what jewellery was and what it could be. In our increasingly image-driven era of late capitalism how do you articulate and shape your position within contemporary jewellery practice? What is it that draws you to work with this particular subject matter and medium? What are the sources and resources that support and inform your ideas and working processes? How do you continue to sustain, renew and develop these? How can this practice remain relevant within the bigger picture of other art and design practices?
In this masterclass we will allow these questions to guide us. With a series of questions and subjects to work from, we will use each other and our surroundings and sources (the City of London) to brainstorm and search for ideas, materials and starting points to generate some tentative answers without the need for solid conclusions.
Who Is It For?
This masterclass is aimed at experienced professional makers, jewellery artists and crafts people from all parts of the world, as well as ambitious jewellery students that are interested in thinking through making. Participants are expected to have an open, inquisitive and experimental attitude towards the work.
Who Will Run The Workshop?
Manon van Kouswijk is an acclaimed Dutch artist jeweller based in Melbourne, Australia. She worked as Head of the Jewellry Department at the prestigious Gerrit Rietveld Academy before moving to Melbourne where she has been teaching since 2013 at MADA (Monash University of Art, Design and Architecture) in the Jewellery and Fine Art Faculty. Manon has led numerous successful workshops and masterclasses and worked as a guest lecturer in Japan, Sweden, New Zealand and Germany. She is represented by some of the leading jewellery gallery across the world.
About K2 Academy Of Contemporary Jewellery
K2 is a new Jewellery School that offers a conceptual, free-thinking approach to jewellery design underpinned by rigorous technical training. In addition to our ongoing jewellery classes. K2 Jewellery Academy is dedicated to offer master classes and workshops by internationally renowned academics. This masterclass in our ongoing series will be lead by Manon van Kouswijk.
Date And Time
Wednesday 17th – Saturday 20th July 2019 | 10.00am – 5.00pm
£690.00 (most materials incl.), early bird booking offer £640.00 by 15th April 2019
Cockpit Arts, Cockpit Yard, Northington Street, London WC1N 2NP, UK
If you are interested in booking, get in touch soon, there are 10 places available.
T: +44 (0)7450 257 207 or +44 (0)7786 911 724