Make Your Mark 2017, Day I

Make Your Mark 2017
Events Programme - Tuesday 31 October
Free entry for students, tutors, apprentices and masters or anyone looking to enter the trade.
Make Your Mark, the UK’s leading networking and career development event for new precious metal designers and makers, returns to Goldsmiths’ Hall in the City of London from 31 October – 1 November 2017.
Now in its fourth year, the event comes complete with a treasure trove of opportunities to help emerging designers, apprentices and students of jewellery and the allied trades develop successful careers in the field.
The free two-day event is open to apprentices; students on a UK-based precious-metal-related full or part-time course whether at degree level, a short adult education or privately tutored course; tutors; masters; and those looking to enter the trade.
Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London, EC2V 6BN
31 October – 1 November 2017
Tuesday 10.30am – 5pm
Adam Phillips, The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office,
The Essential Guide to Hallmarking
Adam Phillips, Account Manager, will discuss everything you need to know about hallmarking.
Eleni Bide, The Goldsmiths’ Company Library,
Treasures of the Library
Eleni Bide, Goldsmiths’ Company Librarian, will discuss the special treasures the library holds in its archives.
Julia Skilton and Charlie Spurrier, The Goldsmiths’ Company Curatorial Department,
An Introduction to the Goldsmiths’ Company Modern Silver Collection
Julia Skilton, Curatorial Project Officer, and Charlie Spurrier, Silver Steward, will discuss the renowned Goldsmiths’ Company Modern Silver Collection.
Harriet Kelsall, Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery,
Starting a Creative Business
Harriet Kellsall, one of the most respected bespoke designers and business trailblazers working in the UK jewellery industry today, will describe her story starting a creative business from start-up stage to present day.
The Goldsmiths’ Company Marketing and Communications Department,
Principles of Social Media
The Marketing and Communications team will discuss how budding jewellers and silversmiths can make the most out of social media.
Register to Attend
Register to attend via Eventbrite
or for more information email
or tel. 020 7606 8971.