Jewellery Surgery at K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery

Jewellery Surgery at K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery
Let us help you solve your technical and design problems
1 or 2 Day Course - Saturdays
10 and/or 17 Mar 2018
What will be taught?
As a maker we all face challenges from time to time:
We get stuck with our technical skills, progress or design development and wish we had someone to talk to and discuss it with!
On this course you will have the possibility to get advise on the practical and design problems you come across when making jewellery.
It will focus on your specific project, your work in progress or on building your collection.
The course will cover:
- technical problem solving
- advise on design development
- insight into new techniques
- one to one advise
Who is it for?
Jewellers, artists, craft practitioners who are looking to get some technical advise, input and feedback to their making techniques and design development. Basic jewellery-making skills are essential. Please contact us to see if this course is right for your project
Who will teach the course?
Kelvin Birk
Please contact us to see if this course is right for your project
Date and Time
Sat 10 Mar and / or Sat 17 Mar 2018
10 am- 4 pm
Cockpit Arts, Cockpit Yard, Northington Street, London WC1N 2NP
£160 for one Saturday, £280 for both Saturdays
To Book
To book the course and for all enquiries please email: