Jewellery & Watch 2017, NEC Birmingham

Jewellery & Watch is the UK’s largest dedicated trade event set within the heart of the UK jewellery & watch industry.
It takes place during the same dates and at the same location as Spring Fair, allowing visitors to access both shows with ease.
The Jewellery & Watch NEC halls are situated next to Spring Fair's 'Fashion, Jewellery & Accessories' halls enabling visitors to take advantage of the cross buying opportunities.
Dates: 5 - 9 February 2017
Sun 5 February - 9:00 - 18:00
Mon 6 February - 9:00 - 18:00
Tues 7 February - 9:00 - 18:00
Wed 8 February - 9:00 - 18:00
Thurs 9 February - 9:00 - 16:00
Venue: The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT