It’s Not Just About Hair - New York City Jewelry Week





Open to the Public


It’s Not Just About Hair

The New Collection by Agustina Ros and Suri Jewelry

Presented virtually on the occasion of New York City Jewelry Week

16 - 22 November 2020

Adornment is thrilled to present the new four-hands unpublished collection by Agustina Ros and Giulia Vecchiato – Suri Jewelry, called It’s Not Just About Hair.

It’s Not Just About Hair mixes metal with blown glass, aiming at the perfect combination of these two materials, which naturally fit together giving life to delicate, fun, elegant and feminine shapes. The glass is blown directly onto the metal shapes, thus obtaining a balanced dialogue with the archaic nature of Giulia’s typical figures.

The project takes inspiration from the desire to celebrate the woman’s shared femininity, that particular convivial dimension connected to moments of complicity, during her simple daily rituals, spent with friends, sisters, and other women, especially focusing on the hair and the set of cultural, religious, social and sexual values that hair management for a woman in a given society can entail: hairstyle, poise, color …

The series consists of one of a kind pieces of different shapes and sizes that point to multi-functionality and alternating wearability between pendants, clasps, earrings and pins.

The collection will be presented in a short artistic movie made by Alice Brazzit, which will be launched on the occasion of New York City Jewelry Week on November 16th.

Pieces will be on sale on the new exclusive shop by Adornment 


Agustina Ros

Agustina Ros was born in Misiones, Argentina. Now, she currently resides in Barcelona, Spain, where she opened her own studio with international projection. Her jewelry is crafted with borosilicate glass, modeled and blown by the technique of flameworking. Some pieces are worked with fine metal fuming (gold and silver), and carved and polished, which generates a faceted surface, looking for light reflection.

Suri Jewelry

Giulia Vecchiato was born in Venice in 1992. In 2011 she graduated from the Art School of Venice. In 2014 she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree – Painting – and in 2016 a Degree – with specialization in decorative arts – at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In 2017 she continued her path in Traditional Goldsmiths Techniques at Vicenza Institutes (VI). Giulia continues, through SURI, her own research in the context of contemporary jewelry, designing and realizing her pieces in Venice entirely by hand.


This exhibition is available virtually. 

You can view it through NYCJW starting on November 16.

Watch the movie HERE or on Adornment Website.


There will be a virtual opening event hosted on Discord

November 18, 12pm NYC time / 6pm ROME time


Curated by Ilaria Ruggiero @_ilariaruggiero

Produced by Adornment @adornment_artjewelry


Agustina Ros @agustinarosglassartist

Suri Jewelry @suri.jwlry

Short Movie

Directed by Alice Brazzit @alicebrazzit

produced by AGATA @agata_films

in collaboration with Sala Hiroshima @salahiroshima

About A/dornment

A/dornment - Curating Contemporary Art Jewelry is a curatorial integrated project dedicated to contemporary art jewelry. Founded by Ilaria Ruggiero, it aims to develop the knowledge and consciousness of contemporary jewelry as artistic discipline and as ground search for technique, aesthetics and philosophy.

Alice Brazzit, Italian photographer and video artist, lives in Barcelona and works in Italy and Spain. She deals with various sectors and projects, some strictly artistic, others more commercial. She is particularly active in the fields of contemporary dance and portraiture.

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promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg