How To Access We Are Jewellery Live: Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Storytelling

How To Access We Are Jewellery Live:
Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Storytelling
On Tuesday 23rd March at 1 pm, in direct streaming on Italian Exhibition Group’s Jewellery Golden Cloud which is already accessible to operators to favour on-line business networking and discover the participating companies’ profiles.
Anticipation is growing for WE ARE Jewellery, the b2b event in live streaming created by Italian Exhibition Group which, on 23rd March at 1 pm on the web channel, will video-display the latest Made in Italy jewellery collections to international buyers logged on from the main gold and jewellery markets of reference.
The latest proposals from 32 exhibiting companies, with a photo gallery and detailed technical information sheets, are already just a click away for a preview on the Jewellery Golden Cloud, the digital environment that IEG has set up for the occasion. The user-friendly interface, programmed for immediate and easy-to-use surfing and boosted by an artificial intelligence system, will make targeted matching between buyers and companies much easier thanks to detailed profiling of the connected users.
Buyers are invited to register on the Oroarezzo site and create their profiles by completing the fields to provide a more effective digital experience. It will immediately be possible to schedule business meetings which can be held also through video calls directly on the platform and can even continue until 23rd April.
On 23rd March, at 1 pm, under the artistic management of Beppe Angiolini, WE ARE Jewellery will feature an emotional storytelling session in which jewellery will be the element linking the jewellery frames filmed inside Arezzo’s historical Lambardi building, which now houses the Sugar boutique. “We used cinematographic machines and tools, selecting various techniques to capture every detail and take the buyers inside the place where the jewellery frames were shot, just as if they were physically there,” says film director Alessandro Torraca. “We have sequential shots, different scenes for each frame and we sometimes purposefully deleted the difference between on-stage and backstage to find spontaneity. The language is entirely jewellery and acting-oriented.”
Jewellery is the recurring theme in a story that belongs to every woman in the world. It leverages on the idea of universal and international femininity thanks to the models with their heterogeneous features, ambassadors of diversity and the mirror of Italy and the world today.