Goldsmiths' Fair 2022 - The 40th Edition

Goldmsiths' Fair 2022 - The 40th Edition
Goldsmiths' Hall, London
Week One: 27 September - 2 October | Week Two: 4 - 9 October
Closed Monday 3 October
Featuring 136 of the UK’s most extraordinary silversmiths and goldsmiths, this year’s Fair will not disappoint. From wire work to 3D printing, traditional goldsmithing to intricate engraving, the 40th anniversary exhibitors combine ancient techniques with modern day technologies, ensuring that there will be something for everyone with a passion for fine jewellery and contemporary silver.
With an exciting cohort of new exhibitors, this year’s event promises to deliver collections as yet unseen at the Hall, whilst simultaneously welcoming back master craftspeople whose careers were launched at Goldsmiths’ Fair over the last four decades.
2022 Exhibitors
Week One
Adam Veevers
Adi Toch
Alice Fry (G)
Alison Evans
Alison Macleod
Ami Pepper
Angus McFadyen
Barbara Bertagnolli
Bola Lyon
Brett Payne
Bryony Knox
Cara Tonkin
Catherine Martin
Charlotte Tollyfield
Clio Saskia
Colette Bishop
Daisy Grice (G)
Deborah Cadby
Disa Allsopp
Elizabeth Jane Campbell
Ella Fearon-Low
Ellis Mhairi Cameron
Elsa Tierney
Emefa Cole
Flora Bhattachary
Francesca Marcenaro
Fred Rich
Gill Galloway-Whitehead
Hannah Felicity Dunne
Heather Woof
Holly O’Hanlon (G)
Ingo Henn
Isabelle Capitain
James Dougall
Jane Moore
Jo Pond
Josef Koppmann
Joy Bonfield-Colombara
Karina Gill
Karolina Baines
Kate Bajic
Katherine A Brunacci
Katie Watson (G)
Loucinda Nims
Lucie Gledhill
Lucy Martin
Mark Newman (G)
Mark Nuell
Misun Won
Rebecca de Quin
Romilly Saumarez Smith
Samuel Waterhouse
Sarah Brown
Sarah Herriot
Sarah Stafford
Serena Fox
Sian Evans
Sonia Cheadle
Stephanie Holt
Stuart Jenkins
Susi Hines
Teri Howes
Ute Decker
Vicki Ambery-Smith
Victoria Walker
Yeena Yoon
Yusuke Yamamoto
Yvonne Gilhooly
Week Two
Abigail Brown
Adrian Hope
Aillie Anderson (G)
Alex Goodman
Alexandra Raphael
Alma Sophia Grønli Geller
An Alleweireldt
Andrew Lamb
Ane Christensen
Angela Cork
Annabel Hood
Benjamin James Ryan
Caiyang Yin
Catherine Mannheim
Chris Carpenter
Corrinne Eira Evans
Daphne Krinos
Eileen Gatt
Eleanor Whitworth (G)
Elsa Sarantidou
Emily Kidson
Shimell and Madden
Evgeniia Balashova
Faye Hall
Grace Girvan
Graeme McColm
Hannah Bedford
Harriet St Leger
Helena Russell
Isla Gilham (G)
Jacqueline Cullen
Jane Adam
Jean Scott-Moncrieff
Jed Green
Jessica Jue
Jo Hayes Ward
Jo McAllister
Joanne Thompson
Josephine Gomersall
Julia Lloyd George
Juliette Bigley
Justin Richardson
Kayo Saito
Kelda Young (G)
Kyosun Jung
Leonid Dementiev
Louise O’Neill
Lynne MacLachlan
Manasi Depala
Maria Frantzi
Marie Walshe
Maya Selway
Megan Brown
Patrick Davison
Rebecca Joselyn
Rie Taniguchi
Ruth Tomlinson
Sarah Pulvertaft
Sarah Straussberg
Scott Smith (G)
Shakti Ellenwood
Sheng Zhang
Sia Taylor
Susan Cross
Tamara Gomez
Tomasz Donocik
Ulla Hörnfeldt
Goldsmiths’ Hall
Foster Lane
For more information